Issue - meetings

FU/19/02514/FUL - Greenlands Farm Buildings on Land Adjacent to Greenlands

Meeting: 08/01/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 9)

9 FU/19/02514/FUL - Greenlands Farm Buildings on Land Adjacent to Greenlands pdf icon PDF 593 KB

Demolition of existing store and ancillary office building and replacement with 3 bedroom bungalow with associated drive way, foul water treatment plant, PV Roof panels and Air Source Heating Unit.




Mr Power introduced the application. 


Additional information was provided on the agenda update sheet regarding additional comments and a request for a further additional condition regarding the removal of the existing dwelling, from South Downs National Park Authority.


In response to a request for clarification regarding the fencing and whether it could be replaced with hedging, Mr Whitty confirmed that this was outside the control of the application, and that the site already benefited from an extant permission for a dwelling house and therefore hedging could not be a requirement. 


During the discussion Members debated the internal and external lighting, and the requirements of SDNPA in relation to lighting and habitat controls, foul water treatment, the number of parking spaces, reserving onto the highway, the addition of bat and bird boxes, and requirement for planting two trees for each for one removed.  Mr Whitty responded that the proposed building would not be overly fenestrated, that condition 11 refers to the external lighting and that no comments had been received from SDNPA in relation to light and habitat.  With regards to the foul water, officers were content with the plans, and the requirement for separate consent to discharge into the ditch could be added as an informative.  Mr Whitty added that there were two designated parking spaces and also sufficient room for further parking, but at this stage it was preferred to limit the hard-standing area.  The requirement for bat and bird boxes could be added and also an informative to plant two trees for each one removed.  Mr Power confirmed that the roof lights had been removed from the plans and that what was shown were solar panels. 


Mr Whitty sumarised that condition 12 referred to the demolition of the existing building, condition 8 to the planting requirements, there would be an addition of the requirement for bat and bird boxes to condition 9, details of foul water treatment to were to be submitted, and an informative added regarding separate watercourse discharge into the ditch.


Recommendation to Permit agreed, with an additional condition as cited on the update sheet, and further/amended conditions and an informative to be included in relation to:


         Details of Foul Water Treatment Plant to be submitted and agreed (new condition)

         New informative advising separate watercourse consent is required for discharge into ditch

         Amendment to condition 8 to specify enhancements required by the condition to include any trees removed to be replaced with two further trees (1:2 ratio)

         Additional condition requiring details of the provision of bird and bat boxes