Issue - meetings

BI/19/01051/FUL - Scuttlebutt Café, Birdham Pool, The Causeway, Birdham, West Sussex

Meeting: 04/09/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 55)

55 BI/19/01051/FUL - Scuttlebutt Café, Birdham Pool, The Causeway, Birdham, West Sussex pdf icon PDF 510 KB

Change of use of the land from ancillary boat storage to the Birdham Pool
marina to A3 cafe with associated decking, seating, and facilities areas and
mobile tea hut (retrospective).





Mr Sims introduced the application.


Additional information was reported on the agenda update sheet relating to an amendment to condition 2 to omit a reference to Birdham Pool Marina, and also that the development shall only be used as a Class A3 café.


The following members of the public addressed the Committee:


Mr Graham Campbell – Parish Representative

Mrs Anita Trevelyan – Supporter

Mrs Diana Fawcett – Supporter


During the discussion members sought clarification on a number of points. Mr Sims addressed the question of seasonable use, explaining that the applicant had specifically not applied for seasonable use and that when boats were in storage during the winter months the employees within the marina and boat owners were carrying out maintenance on the site and would benefit from the availability of the café.  With regards to the lighting, Mr Sims drew the Committees attention to condition 4 which requested the submission of a lighting scheme to support the interests of wildlife and conserve the dark skies in the AONB.  On the question of waste water, a main sewer ran along the causeway and therefore it was anticipated that foul water would be connected to that existing main sewer. Mr Sims further responded that an informative could be placed on the public rights of way, to ensure parking did not occur along it, and confirmed the applicant could be made aware of this. 


Mr McAra left the meeting at 9.50am.


On the matter of the opening hours, Mr Sims explained that the applicant had requested 08.00 until 21.30, but by way of compromise officers had suggested 08.00 until 20.00 on Mondays to Saturday and 09.00 until 18.00 on Sundays and Public Bank Holidays as recorded within the suggested conditions in the report.  Members agreed a proposal to amend condition 3 to the opening hours of 08.00 until 20.00 daily.


Mr Whitty responded to the question of whether a condition should be added to restrict the erection of a canopy, that any such structure was likely to be small-scale and akin to those used when repairing boats, so therefore the condition would not be reasonable.


The Chairman requested a vote on the change to condition 3 to the opening hours as 08.00 until 20.00 daily which was agreed.


Recommendation to permit agreed subject to the change to condition 3 and the informative not to park on the public rights of way.