Issue - meetings

Tower Street Chichester Public Conveniences Refurbishment

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Council (Item 40)

Tower Street Chichester Public Conveniences Refurbishment

The material relevant to this item is the report on pages 33 to 35 of the agenda and pages 1 to 7 of the agenda supplement considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 2 October 2018.




That an additional budget allocation of £65,000 from Reserves to supplement the existing Asset Replacement Programme budget of £80,000 for the project be approved.



The Council considered the recommendation made to it by the Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 2 October 2018, as set out in the Cabinet report (pages 33 to 35 of the Cabinet agenda and pages 1 to 7 of the agenda supplement).  


Mr A Dignum (Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Growth and Place) formally moved the Cabinet’s recommendation and this was seconded by Mrs E Lintill (Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Community Services).


Mr Dignum presented the Cabinet’s recommendation by summarising sections 3 and 4 of the report. These public conveniences had last been refurbished 30 years ago. In addition to the general modernisation which was due, there were particular issues to address with regard to drainage, the sub-structure and the disabled toilet being unfit for purpose. There were insufficient funds in the Asset Management Programme (AMP) to cover the total cost of the refurbishment and so an additional allocation from reserves was required. It was intended to start the works in 2019 and signs directing the public to alternatives facilities would be in place.


Members spoke in support of the refurbishment, which was both overdue and to be greatly welcomed: the disabled facilities were in desperate need of improvement to meet the public’s legitimate high expectations; the city had lost a number of public conveniences in recent years and it was essential to maintain them to a sterling standard; and the standard and condition of the public conveniences were a visible reflection of the excellence of the city as a whole.


Mr Dignum responded to two specific points raised by members: (a) as this would be a further but necessary call on CDC’s reserves, officers would be looking at the adequacy of the AMP and (b) Chichester City Council continued to make (as agreed in 2011 at a public conveniences task and finish group) a financial contribution to the upkeep of these important facilities in the city.




On a show of hands the members voted in favour of the Cabinet’s recommendation with no votes against and no abstentions. 




That an additional budget allocation of £65,000 from Reserves to supplement the existing Asset Replacement Programme budget of £80,000 for the project be approved.