Issue - meetings

Internal Audit - Audit Plan Progress

Meeting: 25/01/2018 - Corporate Governance & Audit Committee (Item 176)

176 Internal Audit - Audit Plan Progress pdf icon PDF 64 KB

The committee is requested to consider the two audit reports and to note the 2017-18 audit plan progress report.

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The committee considered the report attached to the agenda. Mr S James presented the report. Mrs Peyman was also present to take any questions on the Contract Management audit.


Mr James advised that the two audit reports on Contract Management and Income Management were included in the report as well as the2017-18 Audit Plan progress report. He also advised members that, following the previous agenda item, an audit of GDPR would take place next year once arrangements had been fully embedded. An audit of car parks income would be carried out again in April 2018.


The Chairman drew the committee’s attention to paragraph 4.1 in the report regarding the Museum and Tourist Information Centre audits carried out over the last six years. Following the concern expressed at the last few meetings regarding the deferral of this audit, she advised that the fact that the Museum had been audited a number of times over the years should give the committee confidence as well as the fact that issues were often audited holistically in some other way as well.  Mr James confirmed that this audit would be carried out within the period of quarter four (ends 31 March 2018).


The committee was concerned that the shape of the Audit Plan had not changed as had been requested at previous meetings. The last column in the progress report should be in bullet form and provide progress information including any deferrals or delays, giving details of who authorised the deferral. Mrs Belenger undertook to consider a different way to present the Audit Plan in order to provide the committee with the relevant information.




1)          That the two audit reports on Income Management and Contract Management be noted.

2)          That progress against the 2017-18 Audit Plan be noted.