Issue - meetings

Chichester BID

Meeting: 19/07/2016 - Council (Item 135)

Chichester City Centre Management - Renewal of Chichester BID

(See report at Agenda Item 8 (pages 90 - 95) of the Cabinet papers of 12 July 2016.)




That the Leader of the Council be authorised to vote in accordance with Cabinet’s decision in relation to the ballot to renew the BID.



Mrs Lintill (Cabinet Member for Community Services), seconded by Mr Finch, moved the recommendation of the Cabinet.


She explained that Chichester’s City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) was one of over 200 BIDs in place across the country. Chichester BID had been established five years ago, its formation being driven by this Council’s Economic Development Service in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce.

A number of City Centre functions, formerly undertaken or overseen by the Council, had been transferred to the BID, including:

·         City Centre management and events

·         the annual Christmas lights

·         the ChiBAC (Chichester Business Against Crime) initiative

Since 2012, Chichester BID had also provided a good deal of marketing and promotion of the City Centre, and improved its physical organisation and general safety and security.

BIDs were business led partnerships created through a ballot process with all business ratepayers in the BID area voting on whether the BID goes ahead. By law a BID had to be renewed every five years, giving business ratepayers the opportunity to vote again to decide whether or not the BID should continue for a further term.

Chichester’s City Centre BID was nearing the end of its first five-year term and wished to seek renewal for a further term of five years. Accordingly, it had undertaken extensive consultation with local businesses and had prepared its Renewal Business Proposal for the next five years.

While the BID did not achieve everything it set out to do in its first term, overall it had been a success, and, for its second term, proposed to build on those successes.

If the BID was not renewed it would cease from 31st March 2017. A number of City Centre management, organisational and promotional functions would then stop or need to be re-allocated to other bodies, including Christmas lights and festivities, events and promotions, ChiBac and city centre safety, advocacy and support to businesses. Similarly, the additional activities proposed for the next five years would not happen.

The progress of the BID had been reviewed annually by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and at its meeting on 5 July the Committee had recommended the Cabinet to support the BID’s renewal plans and that the level of support provided by the Council to the BID’s strategic partnership be considered and that a brief report be requested to identify how joint objectives could be better delivered.


The BID’s Renewal Business Proposal was in line with the Council’s strategic objectives, and complemented its emerging strategy for the visitor economy and the Chichester Vision.




That the Leader of the Council be authorised to vote in accordance with Cabinet’s decision in relation to the ballot to renew the BID.


Meeting: 12/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 224)

224 Chichester City Centre Management - Renewal of Chichester BID pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Referring to minutes 29 of 5 July 2011 and 142 of 9 February 2016, to consider whether to support the renewal of the Chichester Business Improvement District (BID) and, if so, to make arrangements for a ballot to be held of businesses in Chichester City Centre.

Additional documents:




(1)  That the ‘Renewal Business Proposal’ prepared by Chichester Business Improvement District (BID) be agreed by the Cabinet and, accordingly, renewal of the BID for further term of five years be supported.


(2)  That the Ballot Holder (Chief Executive) be instructed to hold a BID ballot.




That the Leader of the Council be authorised to vote in accordance with Cabinet’s decision in relation to the ballot to renew the BID.



Referring to minutes 29 of 5 July 2011 and 142 of 9 February 2016, the Cabinet considered the report and appendices circulated with the agenda (copies attached to the official minutes).


In view of Mrs Keegan’s declaration of a prejudicial interest, Mrs Lintill introduced the report. She explained that Chichester’s City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) was one of over 200 BIDs in place across the country. Chichester BID had been established five years ago, its formation being driven by this Council’s Economic Development Service in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce.

A number of City Centre functions, formerly undertaken or overseen by the Council, had been transferred to the BID, including:

·         City Centre management and events

·         the annual Christmas lights

·         the ChiBAC (Chichester Business Against Crime) initiative

Since 2012, Chichester BID had also provided a good deal of marketing and promotion of the City Centre, and improved its physical organisation and general safety and security

BIDs were business led partnerships created through a ballot process with all business ratepayers in the BID area voting on whether the BID goes ahead. By law a BID had to be renewed every five years, giving business ratepayers the opportunity to vote again to decide whether or not the BID should continue for a further term

Chichester’s City Centre BID was nearing the end of its first five-year term and wished to seek renewal for a further term of five years. Accordingly, it had undertaken extensive consultation with local businesses and had prepared its Renewal Business Proposal for the next five years.

While the BID did not achieve everything it set out to do in its first term, overall it had been a success, and, for its second term, proposed to build on those successes.

If the BID was not renewed it would cease from 31st March 2017. A number of City Centre management, organisational and promotional functions would then stop or need to be re-allocated to other bodies, including Christmas lights and festivities, events and promotions, ChiBac and city centre safety, advocacy and support to businesses. Similarly, the additional activities proposed for the next five years would not happen.

The progress of the BID had been reviewed annually by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and at its meeting on 5 July the Committee had recommended the Cabinet to support the BID’s renewal plans and that the level of support provided by the Council to the BID’s strategic partnership be considered and that a brief report be requested to identify how joint objectives could be better delivered.


The BID’s Renewal Business Proposal was in line with the Council’s strategic objectives, and complemented its emerging strategy for the visitor economy and the Chichester Vision.


Mr Oates (Economic Development Manager) added that national experience was that BID’s achieved reasonable success in their first term, and developed more strongly in their second term. The BID was proposing to be far more proactive in its next term and would focus on:


Meeting: 05/07/2016 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 95)

95 Chichester City Centre Management - Renewal of Chichester BID pdf icon PDF 83 KB

The committee is requested to review the ‘Renewal Business Proposal’ prepared by Chichester Business Improvement District (BID) and to recommend its views to Cabinet.


Additional documents:


Mr Oates explained that the BID had been established four years ago and had achieved success in a number of areas. The BID acknowledges that some aspects of the first term did not go to plan but this was common around the country.


Regulations require the Council to request a renewal ballot for the BID every five years. All BID levy payers are invited to take part.


Mr Oates introduced Mr Finnamore the outgoing Chairman of Chichester BID and Mr Colin Hicks the proposed incoming Chairman.


Mr Hicks outlined some of the areas the BID had seen first term success:


·       Public realm

·       Access

·       Christmas lights

·       ChiBac – businesses against crime


Mr Hicks acknowledged the importance of the BID’s relationship with Chichester District Council (CDC), Chamber of Commerce and other local authorities.


Eight focus groups have been established since April 2016 to establish the opinion of a variety of business owners. Feedback suggests a need for greater marketing of the city promoting a clearer understanding of what the city has to offer in order to raise Chichester’s profile.


The BID propose a 25% levy increase with the increase ring-fenced for promotion of the city centre. To date around £250,000-£270,000 levy monies has been raised. The BID aims to increase this to £340,000-£350,000. BID levy payers will receive a detailed proposal.


Mr Finnamore explained that the city has fared well during economic uncertainty with most shop sites full. The BID would like to focus on other aspects of the city to draw visitors. To help with this Visit Chichester could be moved into the BID offices to work alongside the BID and the Chamber of Commerce. The BID is encouraging of a joined up approach. Mrs Wickens explained that a second term needs a greater strategic focus to create a brand for Chichester.


Members asked the following questions:


·       Have the BID established the future availability of PSCO’s from Sussex Police? Conversations have taken place and a contract is being reviewed. Funding is provided to ChiBac for business owners to receive handheld devices with a direct line to report problems. ChiBac has a proactive rather than reactive approach.

·       What is the BID’s view on car parking in the city? The BID sends a representative to CDC’s Parking Forum. BID would like greater pay on foot facilities in Northgate and the Cattle Market car parks. The BID would encourage a regular late night shopping evening although acknowledge this would require changes to car park payment machines. Chichester is an appropriate size for a walk and ride scheme or a BID electric shuttle bus. Other BID’s have electric shuttle buses. Visitors have commented that they would stay longer if car park pre-payment is not a problem.

·       Is there a lack of cultural events? There is a lack of transparency of events to businesses. Many businesses work off an Intranet rather than the Internet and therefore only see flyers or articles in the local paper. Many shop staff are unaware of events until they have happened.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95