Issue - meetings

Business Continuity progress

Meeting: 24/11/2015 - Corporate Governance & Audit Committee (Item 40)

40 Corporate Health & Safety and Business Continuity Management pdf icon PDF 88 KB

The committee is requested to consider and note this report which provides details of the progress and current position of the Council’s Business Continuity (BC) management arrangements and details of the Council’s performance in relation to the health, safety and welfare of its staff and anybody else affected by its undertaking.


The Chairman agreed to take this agenda item 14 before agenda item 13. The committee received a report from the Health & Safety Manager (copy attached to the official minutes).


Mr Jarvis asked whether all the business continuity plans were held on the Council’s drives. Mr Townsend confirmed that a copy was held on one of the Council’s IT drives and another copy was held by all lead officers on their own laptop desktop and they were required to remove their laptop from the Council’s buildings overnight. In the event of an incident, email continuity would be initiated and officers would have access to their desktop business continuity files.


Mrs Hardwick pointed out at paragraph 10.2 that the reputational risk had only been suggested to be relating to instances where legal action is taken against the Council.  She stated that there is additional corporate risk of reputational damage even if legal action isn’t taken against the Council in the event of a serious health and safety accident or incident.




That this report be noted.