Issue - meetings

20/02066/OUT Bell Lane

Meeting: 08/09/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 107)

107 20/02066/OUT Koolbergen, Kelly's Nurseries and Bellfield Nurseries, Bell Lane, Birdham, Chichester, PO20 7HY (approximate start time 9.35am) pdf icon PDF 502 KB

Outline Application with all matters reserved apart from access for the erection of 73 dwellings, open space and associated works, Class B1 floorspace and retail floorspace



Defer for further information.



Mr Bushell presented the report to the Committee. He drew the Committee’s attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which detailed a change to the description of the development; amendments to conditions 26 and 27; amendments to the report and noted the additional representations received since the Committee report was published.


Mr Bushell highlighted the site plan to the Committee and presented them with an illustrative layout of the proposed development. He explained that the proposal was for a total of 73 dwellings comprising of; 52 market housing dwellings and 21 affordable housing dwellings. However, he did remind the Committee that the final layout and housing mix was a matter that would be determined as part of the Reserved Matters and therefore may change.


Mr Bushell highlighted the proposed site for the foul water pumping station and advised that it would include a holding tank with 48 hours storage capacity installed as part of the development.


Mr Bushell explained that the application was an Outline application to agree access points onto the site as well as the principle of development when assessed against the criteria in the Interim Position Statement on housing. He highlighted the three vehicular access points from Bell Lane and confirmed that the northern most access point would serve only one property.  In addition he advised the Committee that the Swept Path Analysis demonstrated adequately safe vehicular movement for the Council’s refuse vehicles.


Mr Bushell told the Committee that as part of preliminary work to inform the review of Birdham Neighbourhood Plan in terms of finding potential future housing sites, the site had been ranked as the third most suitable development site, out of 17. Whilst acknowledging objections, Mr Bushell informed the Committee that due to the lack of a five year housing land supply and development plan housing policies being out of date which was a fundamental shift in policy circumstances, it was the officers recommendation to permit the development as the site was viewed as being in a good sustainable location when the NPPF’s ‘Tilted Balance’ was applied.


The Committee received the following representations;

·         Mr Clive Bush – Parish Council representative

·         Mr Pieter Montyn – WSCC Councillor

·         Mrs Lisa Clark – Objector

·         Dr Carolin Cobbold – Objector

·         Mrs Pat Macdonald – Objector


Before the Chairman opened the floor to debate, she invited Mr Whitty to address the Committee and explain what the ‘Tilted Balance’ was and its significance in considering planning applications.


Mr Whitty informed the Committee that the Tilted Balance is a material consideration and advised the Committee that they must take it into account when considering an application. He explained that under paragraph 11(d) of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF); (unless the site is in an area of AONB or other protected location), if a site is considered as being sustainable then the presumption must be in favour of granting permission. If the Committee choose to refuse an application they must clearly demonstrate that they have considered paragraph 11(d) and are able to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 107