Issue - meetings

TG/20/02726/FUL The Co-operative Food, Malcolm Road, Tangmere, Chichester

Meeting: 05/05/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 47)

47 TG/20/02726/FUL The Co-operative Food, Malcolm Road, Tangmere, Chichester (9.35 approximate start time) pdf icon PDF 475 KB


Relocate existing entrance to store, new external coldrooms, new window to side of property, new mechanical plant, new canopies and covered walkway and re-lay out existing car park including additional bollards. Reconfigure timber fenced areas, (resubmisson of previously withdrawn application ref no. 19/02707/FUL).





Ms Stevens presented the item to the Committee and drew their attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which set out the following addendums to the report;


·       Revised wording to informative 1. The first line of the informative should read as follows: Provision shall be made within the Noise Management Plan for the incorporation of the following measures:


·       Representations:  West Sussex Highways Clarification (04.05.21)


I can confirm that the Local Highways Authority does not consider that the proposal would have and an unacceptable impact on highway safety or result in ‘severe’ cumulative impacts on the operation of the highway network, therefore is not contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 109), and that there are no transport grounds to resist the proposal.


The Committee received the following Speakers;


Mr Paul Martin – Objector


Officers responded to Member’s questions and comments as follows;


In response to concerns regarding noise generated from the site, Mr Thomson confirmed that his team had been consulted as part of the application process and that a site visit was undertaken to fully understand the layout of the site and identify the nearest noise sensitive properties.


Mr Thomson informed the Committee that two noise sensitive assessments had been undertaken by Noise Solutions ltd, and these had been submitted alongside the planning application. Of the assessment one focused on the noise generated by plant (AC unit, refrigerator’s etc) and the second focused on noise generated by delivery transport. The assessments had been evaluated and Mr Thomson confirmed that he was satisfied with the survey methodology, assessment criteria and subsequent results. In addition Noise Solutions Ltd had undertaken a background noise survey and applied the following background levels; 39db during the daytime and 30db during the night. Mr Thomson informed the Committee that these levels were representative of the area and were in accordance with British Standard; BS4142, and were acceptable in planning terms.


Mr Thomson informed the Committee that the proposed condition be applied; ‘that the plant which has been assessed and is proposed is put in, and if there is any variation from the plant which has been proposed and assessed then the local Planning Authority are made aware and another noise assessment is undertaken before installation’.


With regards to noise generated by delivery, Mr Thomson acknowledged that there would always be an element of noise associated with delivery.  However, the Noise Management plan that had been submitted would keep noise levels to a minimum and would be an improvement on current noise levels. He highlighted that there would be a restriction on the number of lorries and the time of deliveries. Mr Thomson emphasised that the noise management plan was very robust with a wide range of proposed measures included to minimise noise levels, such as; padding on tailgates and an acoustically graded walkway.


With regards to planting on the northern side of the site Ms Stevens agreed to amend the recommendation to include a requirement that any gaps in planting along the northern  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47