Issue - meetings

CH/19/02758/FUL - Hambrook Holiday Park, Broad Road, Hambrook, Chidham, Chichester, West Sussex. PO18 8RF

Meeting: 18/11/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 165)

165 CH/19/02758/FUL - Hambrook Holiday Park, Broad Road, Hambrook, Chidham, Chichester, West Sussex. PO18 8RF pdf icon PDF 363 KB

Refurbishment, extension and rationalisation of existing layout of Hambrook Holiday Park including demolition of existing clubhouse and storage buildings. Construction of new access roads, laying out of redistributed existing/consented mobile home pitches, creation of green amenity spaces, landscaping together with parking and refuse storage.





Miss Bell presented the items to Members.


The Committee received the following speakers:


Roger Gowlett – Parish Council

Debby Sleven – Objector (statement read)

Eliza Willis – Objector (statement read)

Adrian Moss – Ward Councillor


Mrs Sharp left the meeting.


Miss Bell responded to Members comments and questions.  Miss Bell confirmed that many of issues relating to the free-holders were landowner matters and were not material to the planning application.  However, the issues had been noted and the Construction and Environment Management Plan (CEMP) within the report included two additional clauses, one to ensure access to the freeholder pitches was available at all times during the construction work and a second to ensure that there is no disruption to the utilities as a result of any construction work.  Miss Bell also advised that any actions taken by the applicant to date were outside planning control.  Miss Bell explained that once construction had been completed, the access roads would be slightly altered but pedestrian access would be maintained and similarly, landscaping would not impede access.  The twelve parking spaces to the front of the site for the free-holders were not affected and there were controls within the conditions to ensure they were not used by others.


With regards to nitrates, Miss Bell explained that officers had been in discussion with Natural England.  Natural England had changed the designation of the harbour in February 2019, and therefore it was a necessity to consider the impact of nitrates from any overnight accommodation after this date.  The permission for 79 caravans with overnight accommodation was granted in 2016 and the applicant did not seek to increase occupation of the site beyond the existing caravans and those granted in 2016, but to redevelop the site to provide better amenity conditions. As the 2016 permission had been implemented and was extant, there was no requirement to consider the impact of nitrates. 


On the matter of whether the site could be closed for a number of months each year to ensure it was restricted to holiday use, Miss Golding advised that in order to close a holiday park for a specific period of time, an appropriate planning reason was required, for example if the land was prone to flooding during winter months.  Should a closure take place without a robust planning reason it would be subject to challenge, with the potential to be lost at appeal.  Miss Bell also drew Members attention to Conditions 11 and 24 which restricted the use of the site to holiday accommodation only. 


With regards to refuse storage and collection, Miss Bell explained that the Environment Health team had queried if there was another option for the location of the bins, but the only other option would be for placement at the front of the site in the recreational area, which was considered to have significant dis-benefits.  The bins faced into the park rather than towards neighbouring properties, and the turning space was insufficient for a refuse vehicle to be driven further  ...  view the full minutes text for item 165