Decision details

Motion to the Council about Electricity Suppliers

Decision status: Noted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chairman invited Mrs Sharp to move her second motion. Mrs Sharp moved her second motion which was seconded by Mrs Hume.


Mrs Sharp then outlined her motion below:


We note that the Council has declared a Climate Emergency in the summer. One of the key actions that individuals, businesses and councils can take to reduce their carbon footprint is to source their electricity from renewable sources and change to a Green Tariff.


We therefore recommend to the Council:


1.    That enquiries be made to compare different renewable energy providers to demonstrate the council’s commitment to reducing its impact on the environment

2.    That an evaluation of the comparison of prices between an 100% Green tariff and a Brown tariff takes place including consideration of fixed and flexible pricing and the length of the contracts

3.    That the council’s energy supply contracts be reviewed

4.    That an energy procurement strategy that supports local community energy providers be created (example: the County Council’s Your Energy Sussex


The Chairman invited Mrs Plant to respond as the Cabinet member for Environment. Mrs Plant thanked Mrs Sharp for her motion. She explained that the current energy contracts including Electricity and Gas are awarded to Kent County Council, LASER Buying Group. The council procurement strategy for energy supply has in previous years focussed upon lowest price but also required price certainty.  To achieve these things the council has opted for a “Purchase In Advance” agreement, which provides a fixed tariff price year on year over the 4 year framework which includes a 2 year break clause. These four year framework contracts will expire on 30 September 2020 and new contracts will be required to be awarded in good time prior to this date.

The council will therefore need to agree on its preferred procurement route for future energy supplies in the lead up to September 2020.


Mrs Plant then proposed a counter motion as follows which was seconded by Mrs Lintill:


That this matter be referred to the Environment Panel to consider and make its recommendation to the Cabinet as to the council’s energy procurement strategy for 2020 and beyond.


Mrs Hume responded by explaining that although a lot of the work will need to be carried out by the Environment Panel there is value to discussing the issues at Full Council as the climate emergency effects everything the council does.


Mr Moss wished to endorse the comments made by Mrs Hume and acknowledged the importance of renewable energy sources.

Mr Elliott requested clarification of the nature of the current contract. Mrs Plant confirmed that it is a brown contract.


Mr Plowman added that the Chichester City Council energy source is a renewable energy supplier.


Mrs Lintill confirmed that it was something which could be considered further.


Mr Brown asked if the Environment Panel minutes had been published. Mrs Plant explained that they had and members had been notified of how to access the minutes online.


Mrs Plant then read her counter motion which had been seconded by Mrs Lintill as follows:


That this matter be referred to the Environment Panel to consider and make its recommendation to the Cabinet as to the council’s energy procurement strategy for 2020 and beyond.


In a show of hands the Council voted in favour.




That this matter be referred to the Environment Panel to consider and make its recommendation to the Cabinet as to the council’s energy procurement strategy for 2020 and beyond.

Publication date: 22/10/2019

Date of decision: 24/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 24/09/2019 - Council

Accompanying Documents: