Issue - decisions

Development Management Resourcing of Workloads

09/09/2021 - Development Management Division Workloads and Resourcing



That Cabinet approves:


1.    The creation of a further Senior Planning Officer post in the Major Applications and Business Team at a cost of £53,419 per annum as a result of the demand for Planning Performance Agreements (PPA) with developers on some of the Council’s Strategic Development Sites, to be directly funded from an agreement with Graylingwell LLP in the first year and anticipated to be funded through further PPA’s in subsequent years;

2.    The creation of a further Planning Assistant Post at a cost of £33,861 per annum to deal with the increased workload of the Development Management Service to be funded from reserves for the remainder of the financial year 2021/22 and incorporated into the 2022/23 base budget thereafter.