Committee details

General Licensing Sub-Committee

Purpose of committee

Constitution: 4 members selected on each occasion by the Director of Planning & theEnvironment from the 10 members of the General Licensing Committee which shall normally include the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of that committee.

Terms of Reference:


1.     The Council’s Licensing and Enforcement functions relating to individual licences,consents or permits for:

a.     hackney carriages and private hire drivers, vehicles, and private hireoperators’ licences (taxi licences)

b.     caravan sites

c.     animal welfare

d.     street trading

e.     houses in multiple occupation

f.      public protection

g.     sex establishments


Where the Director of Growth and Place considers the matter merits the Sub-Committee’s attention.


2.     In particular the Sub-Committees will consider and determine:

a.     matters relating to licences, permits, approvals, orders, consents orsimilar authorisations, under the above provisions where the Director of Growth and Place considers that the matter merits the Sub-Committee’s attention; and

b.     appeals against refusal of consent issued by the Director of Growthand Place; and

c.     receive reports on ‘taxi licence’ holders whose licence has been suspendedin accordance with the Licensing and Enforcement Committee resolution in Minute 5 of its meeting on the 25th May 2006.


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email:
