Committee details

Assessment Sub-Committee

Purpose of committee

Constitution: 3 Members of the Standards Committee.

An Independent Person appointed by the Council in accordance with section 28 (7) of the Localism Act 2011 is invited to attend meetings of the Assessment Sub-Committee in an advisory capacity. A parish councillor who is a co-opted member of the Standards Committee is invited to attend meetings of the Assessment Sub-Committee in an advisory capacity, where an allegation against a parish councillor is being considered.


Quorum: 3 members of the Standards Committee as described under Constitution above.

Terms of Reference:


1.     To meet as and when convened by the Monitoring Officer in order to make an
assessment of a written complaint alleging that a member or co-opted member of
Chichester District Council or of any of the parish councils in Chichester District has
failed to comply or may have failed to comply with the members’ code of conduct.

2.     To seek and take into account the views of an Independent Person appointed by
the Council in accordance with section 28 (7) of the Localism Act 2011.

3.     To determine one of the following:

a.     That the complaint be referred to the Monitoring Officer to arrange for the
complaint to be investigated; or

b.     That the Monitoring Officer be instructed to arrange training of the accused
member, conciliation between the complainant and the accused member, or
other appropriate steps; or

c.     That no action be taken on the complaint; or

d.     That the complaint be referred to the Monitoring Officer of another authority
where the accused member is no longer a member of CDC or one of the
parish councils in the district, but is a member of the other authority.


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email: