Committee details

Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Committee

Purpose of committee

Meetings of this committee are audio recorded


Constitution: 10 Members of Council (including at least one member of the Cabinet)


Terms of Reference:


The licensing and enforcement functions of the District Council relating to:


a)    functions under the Licensing Act 2003 including the following:


1.     Applications for Premises Licences/Club Premises Certificates – if an adverse
relevant representation subsists*

2.     Applications for Provisional Statements – if an adverse relevant representation

3.     Applications to vary Premises Licences/Club Premises Certificates – if an
adverse relevant representation subsists*

4.     Applications to Review Premises Licences/Club Premises Certificates – if an
adverse relevant representation subsists*

(*Most cases will be considered by an Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub
Committee but the Director of Growth and Place may refer the determination of
a case to the Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Committee instead if he
considers it merits their attention.)


b)    licensing functions under the Gambling Act 2005 including the setting of fees underSection 122 of the Act.


Speaking at council and committee meetings


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Emaill:

Postal address:
East Pallant House
1 East Pallant House
West Sussex
PO19 1TY