Committee details

Corporate Governance & Audit Committee

Purpose of committee

Meetings of this committee are audio recorded


Constitution: 8 Members of Council including a Cabinet Member and a representative from the Overview and ScrutinyCommittee, and the membership to be based on political proportionality.

The Committee will report directly to the Council. The Chairman shall not be a member
of the Cabinet.

Frequency of Meetings: at least 4 times per year.

Terms of Reference:


1.     Identify and consider new corporate risks and review existing known risks along
with the control and monitoring arrangements in place.

2.     Review or determine the Internal Audit priorities based on the corporate governance
issues and risk assessments made.

3.     Review progress/effectiveness and probity of corporate governance within the
authority, arrangements with external audit, internal audit and the implementation of
their recommendations.

4.     Report to full Council each year or at any time where significant issues or concerns
are raised, on corporate governance issues and the internal arrangements in place
to monitor and control risks.

5.     Monitor the effectiveness of committees and panels.

6.     Keep the Council’s financial regulations and contract standing orders under review
and make recommendations to the Cabinet and the Council.

7.     Ensure effective scrutiny of the Council’s treasury management strategy and

8.     Consider reports from the Chief Finance Officer on the Council’s financial control

9.     Consider reports from the Chief Finance Officer on the Council’s insurance policies
and self-insurance arrangements.

10.   Monitor systems and policies to prevent fraud.

11.  Approve annually the final accounts of the Council.

12.  Monitor the efficiency of the Council’s services as required.

13.  Annually review how the Council deals with complaints from members of the public
relating to services provided by the Council including those complaints referred to
the Local Government Ombudsman and the effectiveness of the operation of the
Corporate Complaints Scheme.

14.  Monitor S.106 obligations and the spending of the Community Infrastructure Levy

15.  Receive reports from the Council’s external auditors, the ombudsman and other
appropriate bodies and propose appropriate action.


Speaking at Council and committee meetings


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email:

Postal address:
East Pallant House
1 East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY

Web site: