Agenda item

Housing Strategy 2020-25

The material relevant to this item is the report on pages 19 to 21 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 March 2020 and pages 1 to 25 of the Cabinet appendices for 3 March 2020.


At the time of printing the following recommendation was due to be made to Council:


That the Housing Strategy 2020-25 be adopted.


The Chairman invited Mrs Graves to introduce the item and drew attention to the report which could be found on pages 19 to 21 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 March 2020. She confirmed that there was one recommendation to Council detailed on the agenda front sheet.


Mrs Graves explained thatthe purpose of the Housing Strategy is to set out a long term vision of the council’s aspirations for meeting housing need over the next five years. The strategy replaces a number of separate documents which have been produced in the past, the intention being to provide a single comprehensive housing strategy covering:


·         Homelessness

·         Private sector renewal

·         The delivery of new affordable housing


Mrs Graves then clarified the aim to provide a concise statement of the council’s priorities, indicating the reasons why these priorities had been chosen and setting them in the context of the resources opportunities and constraints. She explained that the Strategy aims to strike a balance between producing something which is detailed enough to be meaningful but concise enough to be readable and accessible. The strategy is the product of work with a variety of stakeholders and partners and has been the subject of consultation with members including the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. It represents an ambitious but achievable plan to respond to the pressing housing issues so many residents face.


With reference to page 7 of the agenda pack Mr Johnson drew attention to the number of homes being built on the coastal plains which do not account for the affordable housing numbers set. Mrs Rudziak explained that the affordable housing figures are under review and if the delegation were to be approved could be amended under delegated powers in line with the Local Plan Review.


Mr Johnson requested clarification on whether certain locations would be required to have a specific number of affordable homes or whether the figures are for the district as a whole. Mr Frost explained that how best to meet the affordable housing need would be a matter for Cabinet and Council going forwards.


Dr O’Kelly referring to page 22 of the agenda pack emphasised the need for housing to identify what is needed to boost community resilience. She requested clarification of how the districts housing stock can achieve the zero carbon targets and suggested that a strategy be put in place. Mrs Plant explained that the Environment Panel would be considering the council’s own buildings primarily.


Mr Brown requested the addition of a clear definition of affordable housing. Mrs Lintill explained that the same request had been raised at Cabinet in the morning.


Mrs Lishman requested confirmation that the figures detailed at point 6 on page 2 of the appendices pack of 1000 affordable homes by 2025 remain accurate. Mrs Rudziak explained that the figures are intended although the locations are yet to be defined.


Mr Hughes requested the following considerations be made when creating the strategy:


·         The green agenda

·         Infrastructure

·         Enforcement of council standards on Registered Housing Providers

·         Relating affordable housing to Hedna

·         Challenging developers where necessary

·         Ensuring those in private rented accommodation are looked after

·         Adequate staffing levels to carry out the work required


Mrs Shepherd confirmed that suitable zero carbon wording would be included. She added that staffing levels had been considered as part of the spending review. She then reminded members that ultimately they would need to agree the future priorities and how the council’s funds should be spent. Mrs Rudziak added that Registered Housing Providers are regulated and the standards for let properties were addressed as part of a Housing Task and Finish Group in the last administration. She clarified that the 30% affordable housing figure in the Local Plan Review had not yet been set.


Mr Oakley requested clarification of the degree to which commuted sums cover the costs of delivering affordable housing. Mrs Rudziak explained that it depends on the organisation and their reserves. It may be part funded by their capital, loans supported by rents, and S106 allocations by the Council.


Members supported the approach of a ‘living’ document which could be modified as required.  Mr Moss as Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) agreed that OSC would be an appropriate place to carry out the review.


Mrs Graves proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Mrs Lintill.


In a show of hands the Council voted in favour.




1.    That the Housing Strategy 2020-25 be adopted.

2.    That the Director of Housing and Communities is granted delegated authority to make modifications to the Strategy in order to align with the emerging Local Plan Review.