Agenda item

SB-21-02603-FUL - 1 Green Acre, Inlands Road, Nutbourne, PO18 8RJ

Change of use of the land to use as a building site compound. (Variation of Condition 1 from Appeal Decision ref. APP/L3815/C/19/3233587 - to extend the time within which the use must be discontinued and to include the alternative use of the land for agricultural purposes).




Ms Thatcher presented the report. She drew the Committee’s attention to the Agenda Update sheet which included an amendment to Condition 4.


Ms Thatcher detailed the site location and explained that the site falls within the Southbourne and Prinsted settlement boundary. Apart from some open space to the west of the site, the site is surrounded by residential properties.


She explained that the site had previously been used for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, and the caravans currently located on the site are being used to support the construction of a neighbouring dwelling.


Ms Thatcher explained the application requests planning permission for the variation of Condition 1 of the planning appeal decision and seeks to extend temporary permission until 31 December 2021. She confirmed that West Sussex County Council had been consulted and raised no objection to the application.


Ms Thatcher confirmed that the conditions dictated by the inspector; prohibiting the use of access via Inlands road and restricting the hours of use of site would remain in place.


The Committee received representations from;


Cllr Amanda Tait – Southbourne Parish Council

Mr William Saywell – Objector

Cllr Jonathan Brown – CDC Ward Member


Officers responded to Members’ comments and questions as follows;


On the matter of a new access being created; Ms Thatcher confirmed that no new access was being created as part of the proposal.


With regards to the enforcement case; Ms Thatcher informed the Committee that following a recent site visit she could confirm the site was nearly vacant; however, she was awaiting an official update from the Enforcement Team.


On the matter of extending the permission; Mr Whitty explained that the Enforcement Team had visited the site and were satisfied that the site was no longer being used as a transfer station. By submitting the application the applicant has done the right thing and the extension will result in the site being cleared and restored quicker than if Enforcement proceedings were started. He assured the Committee that the enforcement case would continue to remain open to ensure that the 31 December 2021 deadline is adhered to.


In response to observations made regarding why caravans were currently located on site; Ms Thatcher informed the Committee that it was her understanding the caravans were left from when the site had previously operated as a Gypsy and Traveller site and were currently being used to provide site offices and welfare facilities. In addition, Mr Whitty explained the removal of the caravans from the site would depend on its final use, if it is agriculture then it would be the land owners responsibility to remove them from site, whereas, if the land reverts back to a gypsy and traveller use they would not need removing.


Mr Whitty agreed to write to the developer to pass on the Committee’s expectation about how the site should be left.


In a vote the Committee agreed to the report recommendation to permit


Recommendation; permit subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and Agenda Update.




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