Agenda item

CC/19/03191/REM Phase 2 Of The Westhampnett/North East Chichester SDL Land North East Of Graylingwell Park, Chichester (12.35 approximate start time)


Application for reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and

scale) for residential development comprising up to 200 no. dwellings,

including an element of affordable housing, associated landscaping and

open space, Lavant Valley Linear Greenspace, surface water attenuation

and ancillary works and vehicular access from the area known as 'Phase

4 of the Graylingwell Park development permission CC/16/03791/OUT.




Mr Bushell presented the report to the Committee. As part of the presentation he drew the Committee’s attention to the ‘Lavant Valley Linear Greenspace’ which is a 3m wide cycle and pedestrian path that runs along River Lavant before linking up into Fordwater Road. Details for delivery of the path have been secured through earlier outline planning permission and the associated section106 agreement.


The Mr Bushell reminded the Committee that a series of three parameter plans had already been approved as part of the outline planning permission and a condition was included in that permission to ensure that the Reserved Matters were in broad compliance with what was shown in those parameter plans.


*Cllr Plowman left the meeting at 1.02pm.


The Committee received the following speakers;

Mr Roy Littleford – Objector

Mr Craig Burden – Applicant


Mr Bushell responded to Members’ comments and questions as follows;


With regards to the landscape planting, Mr Bushell acknowledged Members’ comments but disagreed that it had been compromised in order to safeguard the delivery of 200 homes. Whilst a major structural planting scheme had not been submitted (as anticipated by Policy 17 of the Local Plan), a very detailed and carefully considered landscaping scheme had been submitted which included planting along the north and south orientated streets to help soften the visual impact of the development. Officers had worked closely with the developers to ensure that the most appropriate compromise between the need to deliver 200 houses and the planting of new trees was achieved. This included tree planting within the site and on the eastern boundary.


Mr Bushell confirmed that the shared use of the Lavant Valley Path (represented by the broken blue line in the presentation) was a public thoroughfare for the shared use of pedestrians and cyclists and a condition would be applied to ensure that the public were fully aware that this was the case, for example through the use of signage and surfacing treatment.


Mr Bushell explained that the Lavant Valley Path could not be realigned any closer to the River Lavant as this would negatively impact on both the SuDS basin and biodiversity interests within that part of the site.


On the matter of allotment provision, Mr Bushell confirmed that the section 106 agreement included provisions for the delivery, management and maintenance, however, in response to Members’ comments this requirement could be tightened up to ensure that plans showing boundary fences and proposed layout were submitted by the developer and this could form part of a separate condition.


On the matter of the foul water pumping station, Mr Bushell confirmed that it had now been relocated to outside of the flood zone.


Mr Bushell confirmed that the road to the SE of the site was a ‘no through road’ and appropriate measures would be taken to ensure that there was no vehicular access from Madgwick Lane to the site.


On the matter of affordable housing provision, Mr Bushell, confirmed that the style and appearance of the market housing was also reflected in the affordable housing, for example in the use of wavy edge boarding and projecting brick plinths.


Mr Bushell informed the Committee that waste water from the site would be pumped down to Tangmere via the new strategic sewer. Redrow will apply directly to Southern Water in order to utilise the strategic pipeline.


Mr Bushell confirmed where the surface water attenuation basins were located and informed the Committee that the Environment Agency had been consulted on their location. He explained that the site was expected to drain via a combination of both direct infiltration to ground and piping to the basins. Whilst it was anticipated that the basins would remain dry for much of the year (they will not be lined), they did present biodiversity benefits in terms of the damper conditions.


On the matter of cycle and bin storage, Mr Bushell explained that this aspect was covered by a condition on the outlying application, and would be followed up as part of the discharging of conditions.


On the matter of garage parking, Mr Bushell agreed to tighten the condition in order to ensure garage spaces were used for parking purposes only. Note – the outline planning permission contains a condition in this regard so no further action is required.


Mr Bushell informed the Committee that access to Graylingwell from the site was subject to a separate application which had already been granted full permission. In addition he explained that this application did rely on the discharging of a number of conditions affixed to that application.


On the matter of the Lavant Valley Path, Mr Bushell informed the Committee that as part of the outlying planning permission, the S106 agreement had secured a sum of £50,000 towards the upgrade of footpath 459 to a bridleway. The upgrade will provide a continuous bridleway link along the valley to Fordwater Road and beyond to New Road.


Mr Bushell confirmed that WSCC would oversee the delivery and upgrade of the path. It was anticipated that the sum secured from the S106 would need to be match funded by WSCC to ensure that the upgraded PROW was delivered.


Mr Bushell was unable to provide details of bus provision as there was currently no information available.


On the matter of noise mitigation from the Goodwood Motor Racing Circuit, Mr Bushell confirmed that this had been considered in detail as part of the outline planning permission, and a very small number of new homes on the eastern periphery of the site were to be located within the 400m noise buffer zone. In addition he informed the Committee that there was a condition included within the outline permission that required the developer to detail and have approved the noise mitigation measures both indoors and outdoors for these properties.


On the matter of the amenity space, Mr Bushell acknowledged comments that there did appear to be less provision for residents of the flats, however he pointed out that all residents would have access to the nearby Havenstoke Park located to the west of the site and the level of provision was similar to the apartment blocks at the adjacent Graylingwell Park.


In a vote Members agreed the recommendation to permit.


Recommendation Defer for Section 106 then permit subject to the conditions and informatives listed in the report.


Supporting documents: