Browse meetings

General Licensing Committee

This page lists the meetings for General Licensing Committee.

Information about General Licensing Committee

Meetings of this committee are audio recorded


Constitution: 10 Members of Council (including at least one member of the Cabinet).

Terms of Reference:

The licensing and enforcement functions of the District Council relating to:


a)    taxi, food and miscellaneous licensing, health and safety and certain deposits on
highways as set out in Sections B, C and I (22) of Schedule1

b)    contaminated land, control of pollution and the management of air quality as set out
in Schedule 2 to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England)
Regulations 2000; and Motor Salvage Operators

c)     decisions as to the revocation of HMO licences under the Housing Act 2004

d)    the approval of revisions to the Guidance for Consent Streets, to oversee the
general administration of the consent regime and to review and determine from time
to time the level of fees for the grant of consents for street trading


In particular the Committee will consider and determine:


1)    Applications relating to licences, permits, approvals, orders, consents or similar
authorisations, under the above provisions where the Director of Housing &
Communities considers that the matter merits the Committee’s attention.

2)    Whether or not the holder of a licence etc., is a fit and proper person to continue tobenefit from the grant of the licence etc.

3)    Amendments to the hackney carriage fare tariff.

4)    The introduction of or amendments to, licence conditions, byelaws, orders,
consents, approvals, permits or other similar authorisations.

5)    Fees and charges for licences, permits, approvals, consents or similar
authorisations taking into account any recommendations expressed by the Cabinet.

6)    The institution of prosecution proceedings or other enforcement action where the Director of Growth and Place and t h e Democratic Services Divisional Managerconsider the matter merits the Committee’s attention.

7)    The enforcement of the provisions in the Health Act 2006 and regulations relating tosmoke-free premises, places and vehicles.


Speaking at council and committee meetings