Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

Meetings of this committee are audio recorded


Constitution: Currently 7 member of the Council including the Leader and Deputy Leader. The Cabinet usually meets 11 times per year.


The Cabinet will be the executive arm of the Council with the authority to action
policies within the plans, strategies and budget approved by the Council.

The constitution of between 3 and 10 members is not required to follow the rules
of proportionality relating to political parties.

The Leader of the Council, as elected by Council, shall chair the Cabinet meetings
and shall designate a portfolio role to each member of the Cabinet.

The Leader may also appoint Special Advisers to assist Cabinet Members.
The Leader shall prepare the forward plan of key decisions to be made by the Cabinet.

For the avoidance of doubt, any reference to partnerships contained below may not
include legally binding partnerships.

Terms of Reference:


1.     To exercise those functions which are not the responsibility of the Council, another
committee or an employee.

2.     To establish joint arrangements with one or more local authorities to exercise
functions which are executive functions, including the delegation or acceptance of
delegation of executive functions to or from another local authority or public agency.
Such arrangements may involve the appointment of joint committees with these
other local authorities.

3.     To implement policies as determined by Council.

4.     To determine key decisions, as defined in Article 11.03(b).

5.     To advise the Council on financial and economic policy, to determine the Council Tax base, and to recommend annually, as determined by statute, proposals for the
Council Tax.

6.     To maintain overall control of the accounts and approved budgets and to consider
virement requests in accordance with financial regulations.

7.     To determine an itemised Asset Renewal Programme annually as part of the
approved Capital Programme.

8.     To approve the use of reserves for expenditure not exceeding £100,000 in any
case, provided that this does not reduce the general fund reserve below the
minimum level approved by the Council.

9.     To recommend to the General Licensing and Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
Committees the fees and charges relating to licences and registrations.

10.In partnership with other agencies, to review and update as required the
Sustainable Community Strategy for the consideration of the Council.

11.To submit annually to the Council a Corporate Plan and Annual Report and to
monitor its effectiveness.


a.     To be responsible for the production and review of the Local Plan under the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 consulting the Planning Committee as
appropriate and, subject to final approval by the Council, of (i) issues papers and draft policies and proposals prior to public consultation on them, and (ii) the final version of the Local Plan; and

b.     Consulting the Planning Committee as appropriate, to prepare supplementary planning guidance, designate conservation areas, areas of archaeological interest and nature reserves, remove permitted development rights through Article 4 Directions, and undertake other functions under the Town and Country Planning Acts which are not carried out by the Planning Committee or officers.

13.To prepare, or consider (new or amended) policies from the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee for the consideration of Council.

14.To exercise the powers and duties of the Council under all statutes, regulations,
and codes of practice relating to the health and safety of Council staff.

15.To make recommendations to the Council on employment policies for staff and
general employment issues.

16.To ensure adequate training and development for elected members.

17.To award contracts on behalf of the Council in accordance with Contract Standing

18.To oversee the Council’s corporate accommodation and to ensure the provision of
safe, well maintained premises to staff and public and to recommend the acquisition
and disposal of such property.

19.To be responsible for the acquisition, management, maintenance, disposal and
letting of all property of the Council and to consider the views of the Council before
making a compulsory purchase order.

20.To be responsible for the review and implementation of the Council’s Asset
Management Plan and Capital Strategy.

21.To prepare and advise Council on proposed changes to Procedural Standing
Orders, Financial Regulations, Contract Standing Orders, and delegations.

22.To act on behalf of the Council in any cases where urgent decisions are required
and such matters cannot conveniently be dealt with by the Council or by another
appropriate committee or under the delegated powers of staff.

23.To advise the Council on proposals for emergency planning and to ensure an
adequate response to incidents affecting the district.

24.To exercise general control over the information, public relations and publicity
services of the Council.

25.To prepare, approve and implement the Council's ICT Strategy.

26.To respond on behalf of the Council to external reports and consultation papers.

27.To authorise exceptions to approved policies only where the particular merits of
individual cases justify the exceptions being made.

28.To appoint a Grants and Concessions Panel to advise in respect of
applications for rate relief from charities and non-profit making organisations in
accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1988 in addition to
the full range of other grants and concessions.

29.To annually approve the budgets available to the Grants and Concessions
Panel, the priorities to be used to encourage applications, and any adjustments
to delegations to achieve efficiency and transparency.

30.To authorise the spend of section 106 monies of £50,000 or over, following
consultation with the ward member.

31.To appoint appropriate Panels and Forums to assist or advise the Cabinet in
carrying out its functions.

32.To appoint or nominate persons to outside organisations which relate to functions of
the Cabinet


Speaking at Council and Committee meetings