Venue: Committee Rooms, East Pallant House. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services via email
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements Any apologies for absence that have been received will be noted at this stage.
The Chairman will announce any late items that due to special circumstances will be considered underAgenda Item 7. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr’s Briscoe, D Johnson, Todhunter and Weller.
Declarations of Interests PDF 75 KB Details of members’ other interests arising from their membership of parish councils or West Sussex County Council or from their being Chichester District Council or West Sussex County Council appointees to outside organisations or members of outside bodies or from being employees of such organisations or bodies. Such interests are hereby disclosed by each member in respect of agenda items where the Council or outside body concerned has been consulted in respect of that item.
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other interests and prejudicial interests are to be made by members of the Development Plan & Infrastructure Panel (DPIP) in respect of matters on the agenda or this meeting Minutes: There were no declarations.
The minutes relate to the meeting of the Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel on 21 August 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 August 2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record.
Bird Aware Solent Revised Strategy PDF 164 KB The Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel are requested to consider the attached report and appendices, and make the proposed recommendation;
Recommendation; That Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel recommend to Cabinet that the Bird Aware Partnership’s revised Bird Aware Strategy is approved for use in the determination of relevant planning applications
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairman invited Mrs Potts introduced the report.
Mrs Potts informed the Panel that the revised strategy followed a comprehensive independent review of Bird Aware Solent and took into account the Breeding Bird Study. The Breeding Bird Study had been undertaken to identify if any further mitigation was required for summer breeding birds.
Mrs Potts informed the Panel the revised strategy and updated financial model had both been endorsed by the Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH).
Mrs Potts highlighted the key changes to the revised strategy, which included;
- The extended duration of the strategy from 2034 to 2050 to support emerging Local Plans. Mrs Potts explained some remodelling had been required due to the extended period and the number of dwellings requiring mitigation. - The strategy had also been extended to provide mitigation for summer breeding birds and not just for overwintering birds. Natural England supported this proposal as detailed in Appendix C. - Increase in staff from 10 to 19.
The revised strategy was supported by a financial review and updated financial model. This had been done to ensure the level of contributions from new development were sufficient to cover the operational costs of the scheme and to build up the ‘in-perpetuity’ fund. The updated model showed there was no requirement to increase developer contributions other than annual inflationary rise.
Mrs Potts explained there had been an amendment to the zones of influence, this had been done due to the differences between the areas for breeding birds and overwintering birds. Two separate charging schedules had been developed to ensure areas where no breeding bird mitigation was required were not over charged. Mrs Potts confirmed Chichester was in a zone which did require breeding bird mitigation; the flat rate per dwelling was £777.
Mrs Potts advised the Panel there would be a period to notify developers and other stakeholders of the changes to the strategy and charging schedule. Guidance on the council website would also be updated to refer to the revised strategy. Regarding the Local Plan Examination, a Habitats Regulation Assessment note had been produced and submitted to the Local Plan Inspectors (the note could be viewed on the examination webpage).
Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;
On the matter of housing number assumptions; Mrs Potts confirmed the housing numbers were extrapolated from current and emerging Local Plans and the required contributions based on those numbers to ensure the strategy was adequately funded in perpetuity. This was to ensure the expected development would meet the requirement for mitigation. Any speculative development with a zone would still be required to pay the contribution in addition. She clarified the figures did not mean there was a ‘cap’ on the amount of development within an area.
Responding to concerns regarding people’s behaviour around controlled spaces; Mrs Potts acknowledged the concerns raised. However, she explained the mitigation was partly aimed at changing people’s behaviour and raising awareness; and with regards to the breeding birds, it may be that more project ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |
Local Plan Verbal Update The Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel will receive a verbal update on the Local Plan following Examination. Minutes: The Chairman invited Mr Whitty to give an update.
Mr Whitty informed the Panel the first set of Local Plan Examination Hearings had been held between the 1 and 10 October 2024, the following matters were addressed; procedural and legal requirements, strategic policies, spatial strategy, transport, employment, and housing and allocations policies. There was then a period of adjournment before the final day Hearing which took place on 13 November where other policies were considered.
Mr Whitty explained the Inspectors had commented that they were able to move quickly through the Hearings due to the Council addressing most of the 268 questions they had provided in advance.
The Hearings were well attended, they were also streamed online so those unable to attend could still view proceedings.
Mr Whitty informed the Panel that he understood that the Inspectors had begun to draft their ‘post Hearings’ letter, he understood this was progressing well.
Mr Whitty explained to the Panel that the Inspectors had raised fifty-nine action points. He confirmed most of these points had now been addressed and returned to the Inspectors.
Mr Whitty gave the following examples of where further information had been sought and provided; - A transport methodology statement which informed policy T1 - A note on the Duty to Cooperate in the north of the Plan area. - A note on the settlement policy boundaries indicating when they were last reviewed and the criteria for when they would be reviewed again. - An agreed statement with Natural England on Air Quality in the north of the Plan area. Mr Whitty confirmed Natural England had made it clear they did not object to the Plan but had suggested a policy modification. - Further information on employment data particularly in relation HDA’s. - An updated note on Gypsy and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople’s matters including permissions to date; tolerated sites and information on how strategic sites could provide some of the identified need. - A note on self-build outlining how it was anticipated to be delivered through windfall development.
Some of the outstanding issues included; - Further discussion with Landlink and Knightsbridge regarding the HDA policy (Mr Whitty confirmed this had now taken place).
- An issue regarding the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) which had been identified during the recent Stubbcroft appeal. Officers had now reviewed this, and a note had been prepared, however, the Planning Inspectors had indicated they did not want to receive the note until the outcome of the appeal was known.
- A number of changes were required to some of the housing policies including amendments to the format used, ensuring it was easy to identify where extant applications had been deducted from Parish numbers.
- Further information was required to clearly define how demonstrable progress would be measured on Neighbourhood Plans housing delivery.
Mr Whitty informed the Panel all outstanding matters would be submitted to the Inspectors by the beginning of December.
Mr Whitty explained the Inspectors had requested the Schedule of Modifications be ... view the full minutes text for item 57. |
Agenda Items for the meeting The Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel are requested to note any items for the next meeting Minutes: The Panel noted the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 18 December 2024.
Mr Whitty explained the following items would be considered by the Panel at the meeting; - The Infrastructure Business Plan (IBP) - Local Plan Update
Late Items The Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel will consider any late items as announced by the Chairman under agenda item 1. Minutes: There were no late items.
Exclusion of the Press and Public There are no restricted items. Minutes: There were no part two items.