Venue: Committee Rooms, East Pallant House. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements The Chair will make any specific announcements for this meeting and advise of any late items which due to special circumstances will be given urgent consideration under Late Items. |
Approval of Minutes PDF 169 KB The Cabinet is requested to approve as a correct record the minutes of its meeting on Tuesday 3 December 2024. |
Declarations of Interests Members are requested to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they might have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting. |
Public Question Time In accordance with Chichester District Council’s scheme for public question time the Cabinet will receive any questions which have been submitted by members of the public in writing by noon two working days before the meeting. Each questioner will be given up to three minutes to ask their question. The total time allocated for public question time is 15 minutes subject to the Chair’s discretion to extend that period. |
5 Year Monitor Update - as at December 2024 PDF 747 KB Further to a previous request from members the Cabinet is requested to receive and note the 5 Year Resource Monitor Update as at December 2024. Additional documents: Decision: *Noted.
Corporate Plan and Initial Project Proposals for 2025-2026 PDF 91 KB The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and its appendices and make the following resolution and recommendations to Council:
That the Cabinet:
Note the Budget Review Group have confirmed their support for the procurement of an additional Green Waste Vehicle at a cost of £145,000 that was conditionally approved by Cabinet and Council in November 2024.
That the Cabinet considers and recommends to Council:
a) The refreshed Corporate Plan 2022-2025 as set out in appendix 1 and note its extension through to March 2026. b) The Initial Project Proposal Documents for 2025-2026, as set out in appendices 2 to 6. c) That subject to 2.2(b) £3,900,000 be set aside from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the large-scale projects identified in para 5.5, with release of funding being subject to future consideration by Full Council. d) To note the estimated further £285,000 of ongoing revenue costs for the proposed large-scale projects identified in para 5.5. e) That subject to para 2.2(b) £135,000 be approved from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the medium-scale projects identified in para 5.6. f) To note the estimated £58,600 reduction in ongoing revenue costs by year 5 for the proposed medium-scale projects identified in para 5.6. Additional documents:
Decision: That the Cabinet:
Note the Budget Review Group have confirmed their support for the procurement of an additional Green Waste Vehicle at a cost of £145,000 that was conditionally approved by Cabinet and Council in November 2024.
*That the Cabinet considers and recommends to Council:
a) The refreshed Corporate Plan 2022-2025 as set out in appendix 1 and note its extension through to March 2026. b) The Initial Project Proposal Documents for 2025-2026, as set out in appendices 2 to 6. c) That subject to 2.2(b) £3,900,000 be set aside from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the large-scale projects identified in para 5.5, with release of funding being subject to future consideration by Full Council. d) To note the estimated further £285,000 of ongoing revenue costs for the proposed large-scale projects identified in para 5.5. e) That subject to para 2.2(b) £135,000 be approved from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the medium-scale projects identified in para 5.6. f) To note the estimated £58,600 reduction in ongoing revenue costs by year 5 for the proposed medium-scale projects identified in para 5.6. g) Set aside a total of £3,000,000 for potential projects arising from the Climate Change Action Plan, the Regeneration Strategy, and the Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, with release of funds subject to future consideration by Full Council.
Infrastructure Business Plan 2025/26 PDF 113 KB Report and recommendation to follow. Additional documents:
Decision: *That Cabinet recommends that the Council:
(i) Approves the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Draft Infrastructure Business Plan 2025-2030 as set out in Appendix 1; and
(ii) Approves the amended IBP (Appendix 3) including the CIL Spending Plan attached as Appendix 2. To include the proposals by Sussex Police for new ANPR cameras in paragraph 4.12 and officers to work with Sussex Police to establish any detailed proposals for those cameras referred to in paragraph 4.13, for consideration by the council as part of next years IBP.
Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025-2030 PDF 94 KB The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and its appendices and make the following resolution:
To approve that the draft strategy (Appendix 1), go out to public consultation prior to adoption by Council. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
To approve that the draft strategy (Appendix 1), go out to public consultation prior to adoption by Council.
Play Area Refurbishments PDF 73 KB The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and its exempt Part 2 appendix 1 and appendix 2 and make the following resolution:
1. The appointment of Supplier 3 be approved by Cabinet using the ESPO framework 115_21 (Outdoor Playground, Fitness & Sports Facilities and Equipment). This being an approved framework and in compliance with the council’s Contract Standing Orders.
2. Authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member and Director of Corporate Services to mobilise the project including:
2.2.1 Concluding discussions with the City Council on collaboration with the potential to enhance the schemes proposed. This being on the basis that any collaboration will not result in increased capital or revenue costs for the District Council. 2.2.2 Conducting a final stage of public consultation on the proposals, refining plans in response to feedback and finalising the schemes to proceed. 2.2.3 Award of contract using the approved terms and conditions from the framework agreement. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED
1. The appointment of Supplier 3 be approved by Cabinet using the ESPO framework 115_21 (Outdoor Playground, Fitness & Sports Facilities and Equipment). This being an approved framework and in compliance with the council’s Contract Standing Orders. 2. Authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member and Director of Corporate Services to mobilise the project including: 2.2.1 Concluding discussions with the City Council on collaboration with the potential to enhance the schemes proposed. This being on the basis that any collaboration will not result in increased capital or revenue costs for the District Council. 2.2.2 Conducting a final stage of public consultation on the proposals, refining plans in response to feedback and finalising the schemes to proceed. 2.2.3 Award of contract using the approved terms and conditions from the framework agreement.
Monitoring Fees for Biodiversity Net Gain Section 106 agreements PDF 85 KB The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and its appendix and make the following resolution:
That the table of monitoring fees set out in the Appendix is approved for use when entering into Section 106 agreements for Biodiversity Net Gain. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the table of monitoring fees set out in the Appendix is approved for use when entering into Section 106 agreements for Biodiversity Net Gain.
Ordinary Watercourse Consenting and Enforcement PDF 67 KB The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and its appendix and make the following resolution:
That Cabinet agrees not to continue with the delegation of the consenting and enforcement for ordinary watercourses function from West Sussex County Council [to the District Council] from 31 March 2025. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That Cabinet agrees not to continue with the delegation of the consenting and enforcement for ordinary watercourses function from West Sussex County Council [to the District Council] from 31 March 2025.
Reporting of an appointment to West Sussex County Council Board The Cabinet is requested to formally note Cllr Adrian Moss has been appointed by West Sussex County Council as the Chichester District Council representative on the West Sussex Economic Growth Board with immediate effect. Decision: *Noted.
Late Items a) Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection b) Items which the Chair has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The Cabinet is asked to consider in respect of appendices to agenda item nine whether the public including the press should be excluded from the meeting on the following ground of exemption in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 namely Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
[Note The report and its appendices within this part of the agenda are attached for members of the Council and relevant only (printed on salmon paper)] |