Venue: Committee Rooms, East Pallant House. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services via email Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will announce any late items for consideration.
Any apologies for absence will be noted at this point.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Brown-Fuller, Cllr Evans and Cllr Chant.
Approval of Minutes PDF 116 KB The Panel is requested to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024. Minutes: The minutes from the Panel held on 18 April 2024 were approved as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests which they might have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
That the Panel note the report contents and comment on the outcomes proposed. Minutes: The Chairman invited Tom Polhill, Housing Partnerships Coordinator, to present the report.
Members asked for clarification on the people that engaged with the project and if the mechanisms were in place outside of the project to encapsulate those people. Officers responded and stated that in the initial three months, the referral process was difficult. However, officers stated that they quickly realised that a wider support network was necessary to achieve the aims. Officers affirmed that this led to a stronger relationship with the food banks and social housing providers.
Members detailed that the project had been especially useful as it provided a benchmarking exercise of the services that Chichester delivered. Members welcomed the continued search of a private sector officer with expertise knowledge.
Officers clarified that they had reached a decision to not renew BEAM and that there was work to be done on the private rented sector. Officers also asserted that the Strategic Housing Group had reviewed this project across West Sussex.
The Panel noted the report contents and commented on the outcomes proposed. |
Local Authority Housing Fund Outcomes PDF 86 KB Recommendation: Members are asked to note and comment on the outcomes of the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) rounds 1 and 2. Minutes: The Chairman invited Louise Williams, Affordable Housing Enabling Officer, to present the report.
Members of the panel congratulated the Housing team on the significant investment into social and affordable housing. Members also indicated that it proved that the Housing team were able to respond to government initiatives. Members also commended the registered providers that had collaborated with the housing team to achieve the outcomes.
Members noted and commented on the outcomes of the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) rounds 1 and 2.
Late Items The Panel will consider any late items as announced by the Chairman under agenda item 1.
Minutes: There were no late items.
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will take place on 14 November 2024.
Minutes: The Panel noted the date of the next meeting as Thursday 14 November 2024.