Venue: Committee Rooms, East Pallant House. View directions
Contact: Fiona Baker on 01243 534609 Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcements Any apologies for absence which have been received will be noted at this stage.
The Planning Committee will be informed at this point in the meeting of any planning applications which have been deferred or withdrawn and so will not be discussed and determined at this meeting. Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting.
The Chair read out the emergency evacuation procedure.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr's Briscoe, Brooks-Harmer, Burkhart and Cross. |
Approval of Minutes PDF 111 KB The minutes relate to the meeting of the Planning Committee on 10 July 2024 (minutes to follow). Minutes: Following a vote the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 10 July 2024 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record. |
Urgent Items The Chairman will announce any urgent items that will be dealt with due to special circumstances. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Declarations of Interests PDF 96 KB Details of members’ personal interests arising from their membership of parish councils or West Sussex County Council or from their being Chichester District Council or West Sussex County Council appointees to outside organisations or members of outside bodies or from being employees of such organisations or bodies.
Such interests are hereby disclosed by each member in respect of agenda items in the schedule of planning applications where the Council or outside body concerned has been consulted in respect of that particular item or application.
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are to be made by members of the Planning Committee in respect of matters on the agenda or this meeting.
Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made:
In relation to agenda item 5 Cllr Potter declared a prejudicial interest and agreed to leave the meeting for the duration of that item. |
23/02169/FUL - Land North West Of 56 Stane Street (Rohan Stables), Halnaker PDF 535 KB Demolition of existing equestrian buildings and structures and the erection of 26 no. dwellings, together with the provision of public open space, parking, landscaping and access improvements. Decision: Defer (contrary to officer recommendation). Minutes: Following his earlier declaration Cllr Potter withdrew from the room.
Ms Bell introduced the item. She drew attention to the agenda update sheet which detailed further representations that had been received. She then drew attention to two drafting errors relating to condition 28 where the fourth line should read plot one and plot two. In reference to permitted development rights on page 78 the last line should read on plot three.
Representations were made from:
Harriet Collier - Objector David Leah - Objector Paul Butler - Objector Peter Rainier - Agent
Members raised the following points during the debate.
With regard to the type of property required Ms Bell explained that the affordable housing allocation would be allocated to Boxgrove parish first but that affordable housing is required to meet the district need.
With regard to paragraph 3.1.1 concerns were raised regarding foul drainage capacity. Ms Bell explained that foul drainage capacity has been demonstrated at the Tangmere water works until near the end of the Local Plan period. She drew attention to the reference at condition five. With regard to running a capacity check it is not deemed necessary as capacity has been demonstrated at Tangmere.
With regard to delivery of the development Miss Bell confirmed that this is a full application so the development would come forward as shown on the plans. Changes may occur through permitted development rights at a later stage once the properties have been purchased rather than by the developer, and Miss Bell drew attention to conditions restricting permitted development rights,. Ms Bell added that the design officers had been involved in amending the design of the proposal.
With regard to the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan Ms Bell explained that because the Neighbourhood Plan, although of the right age, is not allocating sites for housing and Chichester has a four-year housing supply the council would be unable to defend an appeal based on an argument that the Neighbourhood Plan should prevent speculative applications.
With regard to further restricting light pollution in relation to bats near the site by reference to dark skies Ms Bell confirmed she would be happy to add to dark skies to the condition. She added that she strengthen condition 26 to prevent any additional lighting.
With regard to the ancient monument in the public area of the site Ms Bell confirmed that it is part of the section 106 agreement which requires it to remain open space.
With regard to the two properties turned down on the site in 2015 Mrs Stevens confirmed the refusal followed the adoption of the current Local Plan several months prior and the Council had a 5 year housing land supply. This meant the policy situation at the time was different to now.
With regard to the number of properties on site and whether there is potential negotiation on the final numbers Mrs Stevens explained that it is a relatively low density scheme. She drew attention to the high quality design of the scheme, ... view the full minutes text for item 272. |
Extension and alterations to facilitate a change of use to 1 no. dwelling including cycle storage and landscaping. Decision: Permit. Minutes: Cllr Potter returned to the meeting.
Mr Mew introduced the item. He drew attention to the agenda update sheet with additional conditions relating to refuse and recycling storage and provision of covered and secure cycle parking.
Representation was made from:
Jessica Hayler - Applicant
No questions or concerns were raised by members.
In a vote the following recommendation was agreed:
Permit. |
23/02621/FUL - Avenue Cottage, Main Road, Bosham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 8PN PDF 337 KB Development of 4 no. residential dwellings together with associated landscaping, parking and infrastructure. Decision: Defer for Section 106 then Permit. Minutes: Mr Thomas introduced the item.
Representation was made from:
Laura Black – Agent
With regards to the housing mix Mr Thomas explained that the housing mix was appropriate for the scale of the development, and that cumulatively with the adjoining development at Chas Wood the overall housing mix was also acceptable.
In a vote the following recommendation was agreed:
Defer for Section 106 Agreement then Permit. |
24/01100/FUL & 24/01101/LBC - The Bill House Rest Home, 98 Grafton Road, Selsey PDF 288 KB Construction of single-storey side extension providing 15 no. additional bedrooms and communal areas following the removal of existing extension, container, bungalow and greenhouses. Decision: 24/01100/FUL
Permit. Minutes: Mr Thomas introduced the item.
Representation was made from:
Ben Kirk - Agent
Cllr Donna Johnson commented that the Town Council had not been engaged with.
With regard to the materials chosen for the site and whether they will blend to complement the current street scene Mr Broadway explained that the materials proposal for the roof, windows and elevations would sit well alongside the historic building, and it is desirable for any extensions to listed buildings to show a variation from the original design in order to still maintain the listed buildings identifiable features.
In a vote the following recommendations were agreed:
Members took a five minute break. |
Nitrate mitigation scheme at Chilgrove Farm, Chilgrove PDF 84 KB Recommendation:
That the Committee approves the Council entering into a legal agreement with the owner of land at Chilgrove Farm, Chilgrove and the South Downs National Park Authority to secure the provision of a credit-selling nitrates mitigation scheme. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED
That the Committee approves the Council entering into a legal agreement with the owner of land at Chilgrove Farm, Chilgrove and the South Downs National Park Authority to secure the provision of a credit-selling nitrates mitigation scheme. Minutes: Mr Thomas introduced the item. He drew members attention to the Agenda Update Sheet confirming that the South Downs National Park Authority are content with the landscaping scheme.
With regard to concerns about replacement and monitoring of trees Mrs Stevens explained that active monitoring is in place. She confirmed that she had also seen this in action.
With regard to the fee Mrs Stevens confirmed that it is a one off fee.
In a vote the following resolution was agreed:
That the Committee approves the Council entering into a legal agreement with the owner of land at Chilgrove Farm, Chilgrove and the South Downs National Park Authority to secure the provision of a credit-selling nitrates mitigation scheme. |
Chichester District Council Schedule of Planning Appeals, Court and Policy Matters PDF 116 KB The Planning Committee will consider the monthly schedule updating the position with regard to planning appeals, litigation and recent planning policy publications or pronouncements. (Report to follow). Minutes: Mrs Stevens drew members attention to the Agenda Update Sheet with reference to an adjournment to the Stubcroft Farm Inquiry.
Members noted the Schedule. |
South Downs National Park Authority Schedule of Planning Appeals, Court and Policy Matters PDF 45 KB The Planning Committee will consider the monthly schedule updating the position with regard to planning appeals, litigation and recent planning policy publications or pronouncements. (Report to follow). Minutes: Mrs Stevens drew members attention to the Agenda Update Sheet with reference to the appeal status of Freshfields, Sandy Lane, East Ashling which has been allowed.
Members noted the Schedule. |
Schedule of Contraventions PDF 205 KB The Planning Committee is asked to consider the monthly schedule update of planning enforcement matters. Additional documents: Minutes: Mrs Archer updated members with reference to the guilty plea which had resulted in prosecution with sentencing scheduled to take place on 29 August 2024. She also drew attention to the addition of Article 4 Directions which are now included in the Schedule.
Members noted the Schedule. |
Consideration of any late items as follows: The Planning Committee will consider any late items announced by the Chairman at the start of this meeting as follows:
a) Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection b) Items which the chairman has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting Minutes: There were no late items. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public There are no restricted items for consideration. Minutes: There was no requirement to exclude the public or the press. |