Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday 1 October 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms - East Pallant House

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 136 KB

The Council is requested to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2024.


In a vote the minutes of 16 July 2024 were approved.




That the minutes of the Full Council meetings held on 16 July 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Council

This will be followed by the declaration of acceptance of office.


Following Cllr Cross taking up a Cabinet post Cllr Apel sought nominations for Vice-Chair of the Council for the ensuing year.


Cllr Todhunter proposed Cllr Betts which was seconded by Cllr Desai.


There were no further nominations.


In a vote Cllr Betts was duly elected as Vice-Chair of the Council.


Cllr Betts signed and read the declaration of office and was presented with the Badge of Office.


Urgent Items

The Chair will announce any urgent items which due to special circumstances are to be dealt with under Late Items.


There were no urgent items.


Declarations of Interests

Members and officers are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they may have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting.


The following declarations of interest were made:


Cllr Brookes-Harmer – in relation to agenda item 7 declared a pecuniary interest.


Cllr Donna Johnson – in relation to agenda items 7, 8 and 9 declared an interest as a member of West Sussex County Council.


Cllr Sharp – in relation to agenda items 7, 8 and 9 declared an interest as a member of West Sussex County Council.


Cllr Bangert – in relation to agenda item 11 declared an interest as a member of Southbourne Parish Council and the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Cllr Bangert withdrew to the public seating area for the duration of the item.


Cllr Hickson – in relation to agenda item 11 declared an interest as a member of the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Cllr Hickson withdrew to the public seating area for the duration of the item.


Cllr Brown – in relation to agenda item 11 wished to note his previous involvement with the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group but was not required to remove himself from the debate on the item.  


Chair's Announcements

Apologies for absence will be notified at this point.


The Chair will make any specific announcements.


Cllr Apel welcomed back Cllr Sharp.


Cllr Apel on behalf of the Council then sent condolences to the family of Richard Hitchcock who sadly passed away in August. Mr Hitchcock was a Parish Council representative on the Councils Standards Committee.


Cllr Apel announced that Mr Bennett, the council’s Monitoring Officer would be leaving the council. On behalf of the Council Cllr Apel thanked Mr Bennett for his help and support over many years. Those present gave a round of applause.


Cllr Apel explained that members of the Council had attended the Stonepillow Sleepout. Cllr Desai was invited to confirm how much had been raised which was over £3000.


Cllr Apel then explained that she had attended the Chichester Festival Theatre production based on a local true story ‘Redlands’.


Cllr Apel then confirmed that Cllr Sharp’s Amendment Motion to Agenda Item 7 had been withdrawn.


Apologies for absence were noted from Cllr Ballantyne, Cllr Boulcott, Cllr Burton and Cllr Hastain.


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 62 KB

In accordance with Chichester District Council’s scheme for public question time the Council will receive any questions which have been submitted by members of the public in writing by noon two working days before the meeting. Each questioner will be given up to three minutes to ask their question. The total time allocated for public question time is 15 minutes subject to the Chair’s discretion to extend that period.


The following public questions were asked at the meeting with the answers given included below:


Questions from Simon Oakley:


With regards to the Regeneration Strategy, what was the reason for no specific prioritisation being included for the re-development of the CDC owned ex Portfield Football Club and vacant Barnfield sites in the Eastern part of Chichester City?


Has there been any progress in bringing forward the re-development of these sites and if not what factors are inhibiting progress?


Noting the last sentence of para 11.3 of the Cabinet report on the Bus Station, Bus Depot and Basin Road options, what degree of risk would there be to the now under examination Local Plan if there was a failure to approve the proposed resolutions within this meeting's Agenda Item 7? 


Noting the proposal in this meeting's Agenda Item 9 for a base budget growth of £120,600 to cover another new post, could you advise as to whether cuts will be required elsewhere in the base budget to pay for it?


Response from Cllr Moss:


Thank you for your question.


The Regeneration Strategy had been developed in conjunction with key stakeholders and is intended to cover the core central city area where there is most opportunity for regeneration to help support the economic sustainability of the city.  This does not mean that sites outside of the city centre area are not considered a priority and sites within this Council’s ownership such as those you reference are active pieces of work; both the sites you mention are currently under contract with negotiations ongoing relating to the transactional details.


Any implications for the examination of Local Plan will of course depend upon the resolution reached by Council and how it differs, or not, from recommendation 1.1, which is being considered later in this agenda.


In terms of the budget growth to support the Regeneration Strategy. This administration has set up a Budget Review Group to lead on the process of prioritising areas we want to invest in, as well as identifying areas that we may need to find savings from in future years. Although it is worth noting that we are currently expecting to be able to balance our budget for next year without having to make budget savings.


Cabinet are of the view that investing in a Regeneration and Growth Manager, together with an operational budget to progress our ambitions is a high priority for us and should be progressed now ahead of the next budget cycle. We have also taken the view that to attract the right calibre of candidates for the role we should make the position permanent.


Bus Station, Bus Depot, Basin Road and CDC office accommodation options pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices including exempt Part II appendices) found on pages 1-27 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024 and make the following resolutions:


1.    That following the prioritisation in the draft Chichester City Regeneration Strategy that the bus station, bus depot and Basin Road sites are brought forward for regeneration in accordance with Policy A4 of the Councils submitted local plan.

2.    In principle to the proposed layout of the new bus stops provision as part of the regeneration of the area and for Officers to continue to negotiate commercial terms of the wider stagecoach transactional details related to relocation and the final layout of the bus stops with WSCC.

3.    That as part of the relocation of the bus stops and the development of options for the Bus Station, Bus Depot and Basin Road car park sites that consideration is given for a potential customer waiting facility.

4.    That the option for the relocation of Chichester District Council Offices to the bus station area is progressed as well as the disposal of East Pallant House and car park.

5.    The appointment of a regeneration design team including procurement and legal advice utilising the LEP grant legacy fund to provide schematics and viability assessments on the options for the development sites, with these options being presented back to Cabinet and Council before procuring a developer to implement the agreed option(s).


Cllr Moss moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Brown.


Cllr Moss then introduced the item and welcomed guests Mr Reddy and Mr O’Neill from Stagecoach buses.


Cllr Tim Johnson commented on the possible alternative uses of the East Pallant House (EPH) building and wished to note the high cost of maintaining the building. He requested that the uniqueness of building be added to recommendation 4. Cllr Apel suggested that this would be a major amendment which should have been submitted prior to the meeting. Mrs Shepherd explained that all options will be considered so the amendment would not be required. 


Cllr Briscoe noted his support of recommendations 1, 2 and 5. He raised concerns regarding recommendations 3 and 4. With regard to recommendation 3 he explained that the cost of the customer waiting facility would likely fall to the council. He raised concerns that a waiting facility could attract antisocial behaviour to that area. He asked if it would be possible to vote on recommendations 3 and 4 separately. He requested a change of the word ‘progressed’ to ‘considered’ so he could support recommendation 4. Cllr Moss responded and clarified that the customer waiting area is worded as a possibility not a definite. He suggested a conversation outside of the meeting. Cllr Briscoe added that if bus stops are designed to a standard a waiting area will not be necessary.


Cllr Donna Johnson requested an update on progress made with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Highways regarding the layout of the bus stops and there safety. She also asked that councillors who use buses regularly be invited to play an active role in the discussions. Cllr Moss confirmed that would be the case. Cllr Bangert also welcomed working with Cllr Donna Johnson on the project. Mrs Hotchkiss provided an update regarding the bus stops. She explained that technical drawings have been discussed at length and have been through initial road safety assessment with WSCC with traffic impact also carried out. Stagecoach were also consulted and further technical drawings have been made. WSCC had explained that there are no red lines to prevent three additional bus stops. Mrs Hotchkiss confirmed that no formal agreement could be concluded until the development options have been agreed.


Cllr Sharp asked if consideration had been given to the provision of a safe place for bus passengers to stand. She also asked if officers felt that they would be able to achieve biodiversity net gain if the removal of the three trees indicated takes place. Cllr Moss clarified that the illustrations are draft at this stage. He agreed that there is a need to enhance that area and its environment. He explained that it needs to be safer and more secure for walking and there will be a walking crossing closer to the bus stops with an alternative option of the raised walkway. Mrs Hotchkiss confirmed that there is an application in to remove three dead trees in Avenue Du Chartres. She also  ...  view the full minutes text for item 155.


A27 Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document October 2024

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 9 – 144 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 September 2024 and make the following resolutions:


1.    To approve the proposed responses to representations received during consultation on the draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation (Version 2) SPD, as set out in Appendix 1 – Statement of Consultation.

2.    To adopt the A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation SPD attached as Appendix 2.

3.    To delete paragraphs 4.46 to 4.54 of the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD (July 2016).

4.    To authorise the Director of Planning and Environment, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, to make typographical and other minor amendments prior to publication.


Cllr Brisbane moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Brisbane introduced the item.


Cllr Sharp requested clarification regarding the Transport Infrastructure Group and the difference between predict and provide, monitor and manage or vision and validate. Cllr Brisbane deferred to Mr Whitty and Mr Home. Mr Whitty explained that predict and provide is the most traditional option but has the disadvantage that time moves on by the time you reach implementation. Monitor and manage creates a set of proposals that are likely to happen. Vision and validate is a step further and refers to a proposal yet to be confirmed.


Cllr Tim Johnson requested clarification of the modelling as he wanted to ensure that any traffic light junction does not slow down the traffic to cause additional queuing. Mr Whitty explained that the modelling will inform the final plans. He added that traffic can be held back at crossways by using traffic lights.


Cllr Briscoe wished to note that the supplementary planning document had already been used in a planning appeal.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    To approve the proposed responses to representations received during consultation on the draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation (Version 2) SPD, as set out in Appendix 1 – Statement of Consultation.

2.    To adopt the A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation SPD attached as Appendix 2.

3.    To delete paragraphs 4.46 to 4.54 of the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD (July 2016).

4.    To authorise the Director of Planning and Environment, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, to make typographical and other minor amendments prior to publication.


Chichester Regeneration Strategy

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 29-150 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024 and make the following resolution:


Full Council to approve £20,150 budget to appoint the post and an operational budget of £40,000 from reserves for 2024/25 (part year) and to approve base budget growth of £120,600 for 2025/26 (full Year) for the post and operational budget.


Cllr Moss moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Brown.


Cllr Moss then introduced the item.


Cllr Chant referred to their speech at Cabinet and requested that consideration be given to looking at ways to bring graduates to the city and create more start-up spaces. They also requested consideration of community land trust initiatives for Chichester. They added that the Strategy should work alongside the Evening and Nighttime Economy Strategy. Cllr Moss responded and explained that there needs to be incentives to bring people into the city. He welcomed ideas from members. He clarified that the Evening and Nightime Economy Strategy would be linked to the Regeneration Strategy.


Cllr Tim Johnson asked in longer term whether there will be scope to consider what could be done outside of the city. Cllr Moss noted the request.


Cllr Quail requested assurance that sufficient funding is allocated to the Strategy each year. Cllr Moss explained that there are also reserves to be used on projects where appropriate.


Cllr Sharp referred to pedestrianisation of West Street (page 32) and asked why cycling is not included. Cllr Moss agreed that cycling could be included. He explained that there is a need to make the city easier to get round. Cllr Sharp asked why there appears to be no targets for greener, safer, cities. Cllr Moss agreed to input targets as needed.


Cllr Briscoe gave his support the Strategy. He explained that most of the interventions involve external partners. He asked the council ensures it delivers what it can. Cllr Moss welcomed the comments and explained that each organisation had been given a role and the council will deliver where it has a direct influence.


Cllr Brown hoped that the Selsey Sea Defence project could unlock a regeneration opportunity in Selsey.


Cllr Hobbs confirmed that he had been a supporter of upgrading the city. He noted that a vibrant tourism economy could help students. He asked whether there will be measures to monitor the return on any investments made using reserves investments made. Cllr Moss confirmed that tourism is vital to the district. He added that many younger residents are working in hospitality. He also wished to note that there will be a new foodhall in North Street.


Cllr Burkhart noted the reference to managing future reserves and asked for clarification of the end point. Cllr Moss explained that every time the council looks to invest it considers the return to the council in terms of benefit to residents and/or financial. Cllr Apel suggested that Cllr Chilton respond to Cllr Burkhart outside of the meeting.


Cllr Vivian noted that if part of what has been suggested is implemented it will have great benefit to the city.

In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    That Full Council adopt the Chichester City Regeneration Strategy and agree delegation to Director of Growth and Place, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make final amendments to the Strategy.

2.    That Full Council approve  ...  view the full minutes text for item 157.


Updating Microphones system for public meetings

Members are requested to consider the report found on pages 191 - 193 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024 and make the following resolution:


That Cabinet recommend to Council the use of up to £135,000 from reserves topurchase of a Microphone System upgrade for the Committee and meeting function.


Cllr Chilton moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Chilton then introduced the item.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That Full Council agree the use of up to £135,000 from reservesto purchase of a Microphone System upgrade for the Committee andmeeting function.


Progression of Draft Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document to Regulation 18 Consultation

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 195-314 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024 and make the following resolutions:


a)    Approve the publication of the Southbourne Allocation DevelopmentPlan Document (DPD) Regulation 18 consultation documentation for a six week public consultation to commence in October 2024.

b)    Authorise the Director of Planning and Environment, following
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, to make
typographical and other minor amendments prior to publication.


Following their earlier declarations Cllr Bangert and Cllr Hickson withdrew to the public seating area.


Cllr Brisbane moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Brisbane then introduced the item.


Cllr Briscoe asked whether a wildlife corridor will be incorporated. He also requested that if the east or west options are chosen that a railway bridge would be welcomed. Mr Whitty explained that the wildlife corridor is incorporated.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    Approve the publication of the Southbourne Allocation Development Plan Document (DPD) Regulation 18 consultation documentation for a six week public consultation to commence in October 2024.

2.    Authorise the Director of Planning and Environment, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, to make typographical and other minor amendments prior to publication to include necessary additions or amendments to questions posed.


S106 Community Facilities allocation - Tangmere Village Centre

Members are requested to consider the report and its exempt Part II appendix found on pages 199 – 206 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 September 2024 and make the following resolution:


That Council agree the release of up to £312,253.03 Section 106 Community Facilities monies, plus interest accrued to the date of release, to Tangmere Parish Council for improvements to the car park at the Tangmere Village Centre.


Cllr Bangert moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Bangert then introduced the item.


Cllr Betts commended the Parish Council for getting the project to this stage.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That Council agree the release of up to £312,253.03 Section 106 Community Facilities monies, plus interest accrued to the date of release, to Tangmere Parish Council for improvements to the car park at the Tangmere Village Centre.


Standards Committee Update

The Council will receive a short verbal update from the Monitoring Officer for noting.


Mr Bennett the Monitoring Officer explained that the Council’s adoption of the Standards Committee arrangements which had gone through the process of a Task and Finish Group.


On behalf of the Council Cllr Apel noted the update.  


Appointment to Committees pdf icon PDF 59 KB

The Leader will provide Full Council with a proposed Committee membership update following the recent changes to Cabinet.


Members are requested to formally agree the revised memberships (to follow).


Cllr Moss proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Brown:


·       Vice Chair of Planning Committee – Cllr Stephen Johnson to replace Cllr John Cross

·       New member for Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Cllr Rhys Chant to replace Cllr Oona Hickson


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    Vice Chair of Planning Committee – Cllr Stephen Johnson to replace Cllr John Cross

2.    New member for Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Cllr Rhys Chant to replace Cllr Oona Hickson


Appointment of Recruitment Interview Panel pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Members are requested to consider the report and make the following resolutions:


1.    Council amends the definition of “Senior Officer” in the constitution to include the post designated as Monitoring Officer.

2.    Council appoints the following members and officers to the final interview panel for recruiting a new Monitoring Officer:

·       Cllr Adrian Moss – Leader of the Council

·       Cllr Jonathan Brown – Deputy Leader

·       Cllr Mark Chilton – Cabinet member for Corporate Services and CCS

·       Cllr Donna Johnson – Deputising for Leader of the opposition

·       Cllr Roy Briscoe – Leader of the Conservative group

·       Diane Shepherd – Chief Executive

·       John Ward – Director of Corporate Services

3.    Council notes that Full Council will ultimately determine the appointment upon recommendation from the panel.

4.    Council delegate the appointment of an interim Monitoring Officer to the Director of Corporate Services following consultation with the Cabinet member for Corporate Services and CCS.

5.    In the event that an external interim Monitoring Officer is appointed the Director of Corporate Services be authorised to fund the appointment from General Reserves up to a maximum value of £110,000. Funded £30,000 from existing staffing budget, and £80,000 from reserves.


Cllr Moss moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Brown.


Mr Ward was invited to introduce the item. 


Cllr Moss explained that the member involvement is from across all three groups.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    Council amends the definition of “Senior Officer” in the constitution to include the post designated as Monitoring Officer.

2.    Council appoints the following members and officers to the final interview panel for recruiting a new Monitoring Officer:

       Cllr Adrian Moss – Leader of the Council

       Cllr Jonathan Brown – Deputy Leader

       Cllr Mark Chilton – Cabinet member for Corporate Services and CCS

       Cllr Donna Johnson – Deputising for Leader of the opposition

       Cllr Roy Briscoe – Leader of the Conservative group

       Diane Shepherd – Chief Executive

       John Ward – Director of Corporate Services

3.    Council notes that Full Council will ultimately determine the appointment upon recommendation from the panel.

4.    Council delegate the appointment of an interim Monitoring Officer to the Director of Corporate Services following consultation with the Cabinet member for Corporate Services and CCS.

5.    In the event that an external interim Monitoring Officer is appointed the Director of Corporate Services be authorised to fund the appointment from General Reserves up to a maximum value of £110,000. Funded £30,000 from existing staffing budget, and £80,000 from reserves.


Motion from Cllr Briscoe pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Having complied with the Motions Procedure as set out in the council’s Constitution the motion attached will be proposed by Cllr Briscoe and if duly seconded it will then be discussed at this meeting.


Cllr Briscoe proposed his motion.


The Motion was seconded by Cllr Burkhart.


Cllr Hickson provided the following response:


Thank you for bringing forward this motion Cllr Briscoe which, having consulted the Leader, I fully endorse as Cabinet Portfolio holder for Housing, Revenues and Benefits.


In respect of point 3 I am happy to advise that this is already underway, and a short article will be included in the Winter edition of the Council magazine Initiatives. Our PR team are also undertaking a campaign to raise awareness of Pension Credit and encouraging people to apply.


The Supporting You team has also been working to mitigate the impacts of the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel payment. Since the announcement of the changes the Supporting You, team have made contact with all residents that have been identified as not receiving Pension Credit but may be potentially eligible. Letters were sent to these residents in early September and some responses have already started to come in. We also work with Age UK to promote Pension Credit awareness and the team go out into communities to raise awareness not only of Pension Credit, but all welfare benefits that residents may be able to claim.


As already mentioned there will be an article in the Council’s upcoming Winter Initiatives magazine along with continued social media promotions and District Dispatch updates, and we are currently considering having a message on our phone lines and flyers in our Council Tax bills. There are Supporting You flyers available to members to give out in their communities to promote the help available in their wards. You will find a supply of these at the back of the room. More are available on request from the Supporting You team, and I would strongly encourage ward members to take some for distribution as it is important that we don’t rely solely upon digital communication channels which may not reach the most vulnerable.


The Supporting You team are happy to attend any Parish meetings to help raise awareness of the work undertaken by the team and offer help and advice to residents. If any member wants to progress this, please contact Craig Duffy who manages the team.


It is also worth mentioning that the Household Support Fund has been extended from 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025 and whilst the schemes criteria are awaited, we hope to target some of the fund to pensioners no longer qualifying for the Winter Fuel payment.


A last point I’d like to make if I may is that the Supporting You team are working with Citizens Advice who are planning on having Warm Spaces available over this coming winter as they did last year, and the team will be attending events at the Warm Spaces to offer help to residents.


I’m sorry if that seemed a long response but this is a topic that is close to my heart, and I am keen that members understand the work that is going on behind the scenes to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 164.


Questions to the Executive

Members are invited to ask a question of a member of the Executive (maximum of 30 minutes duration).


Cllr Tim Johnson asked if the Leader felt there are there any areas that could be more ambitious. Cllr Moss commented on the housing projects coming forward. He also commented on the upcoming Regeneration Strategy.


Cllr Chant asked how the wider housing strategy addresses the needs and wants of residents to ensure housing is affordable. Cllr Moss responded and noted the benefits of community land trusts. He explained that the council has made a significant investment in community land trusts and although there is not a community land trust based in Chichester City there have been enquiries.


Cllr Hamilton requested an update following her Question to the Executive at the last meeting. Cllr Hickson explained that Cabinet received the relevant report yesterday which will come before the next Full Council meeting in November. Cllr Moss recalled that it was something that will be taken forward over time. Cllr Brown-Fuller explained that she had taken her question offline as it did not link to her role as a district councillor. Cllr Brown-Fuller suggested writing to her MP email and she would happily look at it as an MP.


Cllr Hobbs asked about the reduction in usable reserves. He asked what is the view of the minimum level of acceptable reserves. Cllr Chilton responded that the council had set aside a minimum reserve of £4 million released back into general reserves. Without knowing the settlement he explained it is difficult to know what a minimum number would be. Cllr Hobbs asked is there an available £20 million to spend. Cllr Chilton confirmed that he would not feel comfortable with it being spent. Mr Ward clarified that the minimum level of reserves at £4 million is correct. The CGAC consider reserves annually.  


Late Items

To consider any late items as follows:


a)    Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection.

b)    Items which the Chair has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting.


There were no late items but Mr Bennett wished to thank the members for the thank you earlier and thank the teams he has worked with.


Exclusion of the press and public

The Council is asked to consider in respect of Appendices 1, 4, 5 and 6 to Agenda Item 7, the Appendix to Agenda item 12 and Agenda Item 19  whether the public, including the press, should be excluded from the meeting on the grounds of exemption under Parts I to 7 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as indicated against the item and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The reports dealt with under this part of the agenda are attached for members of the Council and senior officers only (salmon paper).


Cllr Moss proposed that the Full Council went into Part II. This was seconded by Cllr Brown.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the Full Council considers in respect of agenda items 20 and 21 that the public including the press should be excluded from the meeting on the following ground of exemption in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 namely Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Acquisition partnership proposal with Hyde Housing

Members are requested to consider the exempt Part II report and its exempt Part II appendices found on pages 257-277 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 September 2024 and make the following resolutions:


That Council agrees the recommendations as set out in sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the report.


Cllr Moss moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Brown.

Cllr Moss then presented the item.


Cllr Moss asked about what will happen at a later date. Mrs Rudziak clarified the technicality of the situation.


Cllr Burkhart asked what is in place to keep a level of good order. Cllr Hickson explained that the Regulator of Social Housing sets the consumer standards.


Cllr Sharp asked about funding. Cllr Hickson responded.


Cllr Brown-Fuller made a suggestion linked to the rural area of the district.


Cllr Hobbs requested technical financial information. Cllr Chilton provided a response.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




That Council agrees the recommendations as set out in sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the report.  


Urgent Decision Notice

Members are requested to note the Part II exempt Urgent Decision Notice as detailed on pages 327-328 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024.


On behalf of the Council Cllr Apel noted the Exempt Part II Urgent Decision Notice.