Issue - meetings

Southern Gateway Implementation

Meeting: 06/03/2018 - Council (Item 19)

Southern Gateway Implementation

The papers relevant to this item which will be considered by the Cabinet on Tuesday 6 March 2018 immediately prior to this meeting are Part II confidential exempt material* on salmon-coloured paper for members and relevant officers only. They are the Cabinet report (pages 55 to 62) and its two appendices in the agenda supplement (pages 296 to 329).


It is anticipated that the following recommendations will be made by the Cabinet to the Council:


(1)  The offer of £5m of funding from the Coast to Capital LEP be accepted, and the Funding Agreement attached as appendix 1 be approved.


(2)  Chichester District Council formally requests the LEP to authorise use of Flexibility Funding, as set out in para of the report, to enable draw down of funds to commence in 2017-2018.


(3)  In the event that Flexibility Funding is approved by the LEP, Chichester District Council’s Capital Programme be amended as follows:


·       £500,000 of LEP funding will be applied to the Enterprise Centre in 2017-2018.


·       £500,000 of Chichester District Council’s capital reserves be transferred from the Enterprise Centre to the Southern Gateway project in 2018-2019 to supplement the £4.5m balance of LEP funding.


(4)  Should the LEP refuse Chichester District Council’s request to utilise Flexibility Funding, and should Chichester District Council also be unable to draw down funding by 31 March 2018, delegated authority be given to the Executive Director to amend the funding agreement to reflect a reduction in funding to £4.5m following consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(5)  The Executive Director be given delegated authority to make other minor amendments to the funding agreement prior to signature after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(6)  The Executive Director be given delegated authority to expend the LEP funding in accordance with the finalised Funding Agreement after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(7)  Chichester District Council is prepared, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers to make and promote a compulsory purchase order(s) to acquire the relevant land for a comprehensive development comprising a mix of uses as set out in the adopted Southern Gateway Masterplan area (attached as appendix 2).


The Council considered the recommendation made to it by the Cabinet at its meeting earlier in the day on Tuesday 6 March 2018, as set out in the confidential exempt Part II Cabinet report and its two appendices (pages 296 to 329). 


Mr Dignum (Leader of the Cabinet) formally moved the Cabinet’s recommendation and this was seconded by Mrs Lintill (Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Community Services).


The report was presented by Mr Dignum.


Mr Bennett was in attendance for this item.


Mr Dignum presented the Cabinet’s recommendation. He advised that the sixth of the seven recommendations in section 3 of the report (para 3.6) had been withdrawn.


Mr Ward briefed members on each of the matters set out in para 6.1.1 of the report. 


Mrs Shepherd, Mr Ward and Mr Dignum responded to members’ questions on points of detail.


Mr Ransley had submitted in advance seven written questions about this item. In view of the time when this item had commenced (17:27), Mr Ransley agreed with Mr Dignum’s suggestion that written responses would be circulated to all members and relevant officers only (as this was a Part II item) following the meeting.




The Council voted on a show of hands in favour of making the resolution set out below, with no votes against and seven abstentions.




(1)            The offer of £5m of funding from the Coast to Capital LEP be accepted, and the Funding Agreement attached as appendix 1 be approved.


(2)            Chichester District Council formally requests the LEP to authorise use of Flexibility Funding, as set out in para of the report, to enable draw down of funds to commence in 2017-2018.


(3)            In the event that Flexibility Funding is approved by the LEP, Chichester District Council’s Capital Programme be amended as follows:


·       £500,000 of LEP funding will be applied to the Enterprise Centre in 2017-2018.


·       £500,000 of Chichester District Council’s capital reserves be transferred from the Enterprise Centre to the Southern Gateway project in 2018-2019 to supplement the £4.5m balance of LEP funding.


(4)            Should the LEP refuse Chichester District Council’s request to utilise Flexibility Funding, and should Chichester District Council also be unable to draw down funding by 31 March 2018, delegated authority be given to the Executive Director to amend the funding agreement to reflect a reduction in funding to £4.5m following consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(5)            The Executive Director be given delegated authority to make other minor amendments to the funding agreement prior to signature after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(6)            Chichester District Council is prepared, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers to make and promote a compulsory purchase order(s) to acquire the relevant land for a comprehensive development comprising a mix of uses as set out in the adopted Southern Gateway Masterplan area (attached as appendix 2).

Meeting: 06/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 501)

501 Southern Gateway Implementation

The Cabinet is requested to consider the agenda report and its two appendices in the agenda supplement, all of which are Part II* confidential material with a restricted circulation to Chichester District Council members and relevant officers only (printed on salmon-coloured paper), and to make the following recommendations to the Council namely that:


(1)  The offer of £5m of funding from the Coast to Capital LEP be accepted, and the Funding Agreement attached as appendix 1 be approved.


(2)  Chichester District Council formally requests the LEP to authorise use of Flexibility Funding, as set out in para of the report, to enable draw down of funds to commence in 2017-2018.


(3)  In the event that Flexibility Funding is approved by the LEP, Chichester District Council’s Capital Programme be amended as follows:


·       £500,000 of LEP funding will be applied to the Enterprise Centre in 2017-2018.


·       £500,000 of Chichester District Council’s capital reserves be transferred from the Enterprise Centre to the Southern Gateway project in 2018-2019 to supplement the £4.5m balance of LEP funding.


(4)  Should the LEP refuse Chichester District Council’s request to utilise Flexibility Funding, and should Chichester District Council also be unable to draw down funding by 31 March 2018, delegated authority be given to the Executive Director to amend the funding agreement to reflect a reduction in funding to £4.5m following consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(5)  The Executive Director be given delegated authority to make other minor amendments to the funding agreement prior to signature after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(6)  The Executive Director be given delegated authority to expend the LEP funding in accordance with the finalised Funding Agreement after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(7)  Chichester District Council is prepared, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers to make and promote a compulsory purchase order(s) to acquire the relevant land for a comprehensive development comprising a mix of uses as set out in the adopted Southern Gateway Masterplan area (attached as appendix 2).

Additional documents:




(1)            The offer of £5m of funding from the Coast to Capital LEP be accepted, and the Funding Agreement attached as appendix 1 be approved.


(2)            Chichester District Council formally requests the LEP to authorise use of Flexibility Funding, as set out in para of the report, to enable draw down of funds to commence in 2017-2018.


(3)            In the event that Flexibility Funding is approved by the LEP, Chichester District Council’s Capital Programme be amended as follows:


·       £500,000 of LEP funding will be applied to the Enterprise Centre in 2017-2018.


·       £500,000 of Chichester District Council’s capital reserves be transferred from the Enterprise Centre to the Southern Gateway project in 2018-2019 to supplement the £4.5m balance of LEP funding.


(4)            Should the LEP refuse Chichester District Council’s request to utilise Flexibility Funding, and should Chichester District Council also be unable to draw down funding by 31 March 2018, delegated authority be given to the Executive Director to amend the funding agreement to reflect a reduction in funding to £4.5m following consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(5)            The Executive Director be given delegated authority to make other minor amendments to the funding agreement prior to signature after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(6)            Chichester District Council is prepared, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers to make and promote a compulsory purchase order(s) to acquire the relevant land for a comprehensive development comprising a mix of uses as set out in the adopted Southern Gateway Masterplan area (attached as appendix 2).


The Cabinet considered the confidential Part II agenda report and its two appendices in the agenda supplement which had been circulated to members and relevant officers only.


The report was presented by Mr Dignum.


Mr Bennett was in attendance for this item.


During Mr Dignum’s introduction, he advised that the sixth of the seven recommendations in section 3 of the report (para 3.6) had been withdrawn as it was now proposed that decisions on spending portions of the LEP grant would be made by the full Cabinet. 


Mr Ward briefed members on each of the matters set out in para 6.1.1 of the report. 


Mr Bennett and Mrs Shepherd responded to questions on points of detail.




The Cabinet voted unanimously on a show of hands in favour of making the recommendation to the Council set out below.




(1)            The offer of £5m of funding from the Coast to Capital LEP be accepted, and the Funding Agreement attached as appendix 1 be approved.


(2)            Chichester District Council formally requests the LEP to authorise use of Flexibility Funding, as set out in para of the report, to enable draw down of funds to commence in 2017-2018.


(3)            In the event that Flexibility Funding is approved by the LEP, Chichester District Council’s Capital Programme be amended as follows:


·       £500,000 of LEP funding will be applied to the Enterprise Centre in 2017-2018.


·       £500,000 of Chichester District Council’s capital reserves be transferred from the Enterprise Centre to the Southern Gateway project in 2018-2019 to supplement the £4.5m balance of LEP funding.


(4)            Should the LEP refuse Chichester District Council’s request to utilise Flexibility Funding, and should Chichester District Council also be unable to draw down funding by 31 March 2018, delegated authority be given to the Executive Director to amend the funding agreement to reflect a reduction in funding to £4.5m following consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(5)            The Executive Director be given delegated authority to make other minor amendments to the funding agreement prior to signature after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(6)            Chichester District Council is prepared, in principle, to use its compulsory purchase powers to make and promote a compulsory purchase order(s) to acquire the relevant land for a comprehensive development comprising a mix of uses as set out in the adopted Southern Gateway Masterplan area (attached as appendix 2).