Issue - meetings

Infrastructure Business Plan - Approval Following Consultation

Meeting: 06/03/2018 - Council (Item 7)

Consideration of Consultation Responses and Modifications to Chichester District Council's Infrastructure Business Plan

The papers relevant to this item are the agenda report and its two appendices* in the agenda supplement considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 6 February 2018 (respectively pages 18 to 21 and 56 to 78).


[Note Due to the size of appendix 2 (Chichester District Council’s Infrastructure Business Plan 2017-2022 as modified) only the CIL spending plan extract was circulated with the Cabinet agenda papers but the entire document may be viewed electronically on Chichester District Council’s website within the committee papers page for this meeting in the second agenda supplement and a monochrome hard copy is available in the Members Room at East Pallant House]




(1)  That the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Infrastructure Business Plan as set out in appendix 1 to the agenda report be approved.


(2)  That the amended Infrastructure Business Plan including the CIL Spending Plan attached as appendix 2 to the agenda report be approved.


The Council considered the recommendations made to it by the Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 6 February 2018, as set out in the Cabinet report (pages 18 to 21 of the agenda) and its two appendices (pages 56 to 78 of the agenda supplement - the entire version of the second appendix was only available for online viewing or as a hard copy in the Members Room at East Pallant House).  


Mrs Taylor (Cabinet Member for Planning Services) formally moved the Cabinet’s recommendation and this was seconded by Mrs Lintill (Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Community Services).


Mrs Taylor presented the Cabinet’s recommendation.  She referred to the nature and purpose of CDC’s Infrastructure Business Plan (appendix 2) and the consultation process undertaken in autumn 2017, the details of which were set out in sections 3 and 8 of and in appendix 1 to the report. She summarised the new projects proposed by Sussex Police and West Sussex County Council and the responses thereto in the report (paras 3.9 and 3.11 respectively). She emphasised the excellent CIL collection rate to date (para 3.4) and the amount passed to parishes as at October 2017 demonstrated their active involvement in the delivery of infrastructure in their areas. 


Mrs Taylor replied to a member’s questions about (a) the 5% allocated for monitoring in the CIL collected (para 3.4 of the Cabinet report), which was a necessary administrative charge which was fully justified in view of the excellent CIL collection rate being achieved through officers’ diligence and (b) the need for caution against spending CIL on ongoing asset maintenance and replacement items such as real-time passenger information screens (project 355 on page 77 of the Cabinet agenda supplement), which was noted.




On a show of hands the members present voted in favour of the Cabinet’s recommendation, with none against and one abstention (Mr Plowman). 




(1)  That the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Infrastructure Business Plan as set out in appendix 1 to the agenda report be approved.


(2)  That the amended Infrastructure Business Plan including the CIL Spending Plan attached as appendix 2 to the agenda report be approved.