Issue - meetings

Succession Planning

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Council (Item 170)

Succession Planning

(See report at agenda item 15 (pages 295 to 309) of the Cabinet agenda of 4 October 2016)


That the Council approves the recommendations made in paras 3.1 to 3.5 inclusive of the confidential agenda report.


Mr Dignum (Leader of the Council), seconded by Mrs Lintill, moved these recommendations to the Council.


Mrs Shepherd introduced the report. Mrs Belenger and Mr Bennett in their capacities as the Deputy Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer were in attendance. The officers answered members’ questions and commented on points of detail.




That the recommendations made in paras 3.1 to 3.5 inclusiveof theconfidential agendareport be approved as follows: 


3.1  The proposal for a Management Team comprising of the Chief Executive, 1 Executive Director (Regeneration) and 5 Service Directors from 1 April 2018.

3.2.  That post holder EPH05 (Executive Director) and post holder EPH 166 (Head of Community Services) contracts of employment are terminated on the grounds of redundancy on 31 March 2018 or earlier if it is agreed between the Chief Executive and the post holders that it is mutually beneficial to bring forward the termination date.


3.3   That the Heads of Housing and Environmental Health, Planning, Commercial Services, Support Services and Finance and Governance are appointed as Service Directors with effect from 1 April 2018 on a fixed point salary as indicated in the report. Full responsibilities and functions will be confirmed during 2017-18.


3.4 That Council gives delegated authority to the Chief Executive to assess, during 2018, whether post EPH313 (Executive Director (Regeneration) should continue. If she deems that the post is required after 2019 then she should report back to Council, setting out her justification for retaining this post. 


3.5 That all one-off costs, as set out in section 8, are met from the Council’s restructuring reserve.


Meeting: 04/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 272)

Succession Planning

The Cabinet is requested to consider the confidential agenda report and its two appendices and to resolve to endorse the succession plan and make to the Council the recommendations set out in section 3 of the report.  

Additional documents:




That the Succession Plan set out in the confidential agenda report and its appendices be endorsed.




That the Council approves the recommendations made in paras 3.1 to 3.5 inclusive of the confidential agenda report.


[Note In accordance with their earlier declarations of a personal interest in this agenda item (minute 260) Mr Carvell, Mr Over and Mr Ward had withdrawn from the meeting at the end of agenda item 13, at the start of the short adjournment]


The Cabinet considered the confidential report and its two appendices circulated with the agenda to CDC members and relevant officers only.


The report was introduced by Mrs Shepherd.


Mrs Belenger and Mr Bennett in their capacities as the Deputy Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer were in attendance.


The three aforementioned officers answered members’ questions and comments on points of detail.


Members commended the clarity and comprehensiveness of the report.




The Cabinet voted unanimously on a show of hands in favour of making the following resolution and recommendation.




That the Succession Plan set out in the confidential agenda report and its appendices be endorsed.




That the Council approves the recommendations made in paras 3.1 to 3.5 inclusive of the confidential agenda report.