Issue - meetings

Revised Local Development Scheme 2015-2018

Meeting: 14/07/2015 - Council (Item 24)

Revised Local Development Scheme 2015-2018

(See report at Agenda item 7 (pages 47 – 61) of the Cabinet papers of 7 July 2015)




That the draft revised Local Development Scheme 2015-2018 be approved for publication on Chichester District Council’s web site.


The Chairman reported that the Cabinet had amended the draft recommendation as printed on the agenda by proposing the following changes to the Local Development Scheme.

Paragraph 4.1, final bullet: change the date of The Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan from 2014 to 2015.

Paragraph 7.11: add bullet to read “Implementation of the Council’s Business Continuity Plans.


Mrs Taylor (Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning), seconded by Mrs Lintill, moved the recommendation of the Cabinet. She explained that the Local Development Scheme (LDS) was a document available to the public which set out the timetable for the preparation and publishing of various planning documents such as Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) over a rolling three year time frame from 2015 to 2018. In due course it would include the timetable of the five year review of the Local Plan.


The main changes contained in the draft revision were:-

·       The inclusion of the Chichester Harbour Development Management SPD and the Water Resources and Water Management SPD

·       The revision of timescales for preparation of the Site Allocations DPD and the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site allocation DPD to take account of work on the Local Plan, emerging neighbourhood development plans and resources.


The timetable set out in the Appendix was indicative only but would be constantly kept under review and updated.


The Local Plan Inspector had recommended that the Local Plan should be reviewed within the next 5 years. Whilst the Local Plan timetable was not part of this review of the LDS, the document would need to be revised again in due course to take account of the Local Plan review timetable once the process had been agreed by Cabinet.


Mr Plowman commented that the programme was good and comprehensive. However, he expressed concern that planning applications for the development of strategic sites were already being submitted and the Council would have to work hard to keep up.




That the draft revised Local Development Scheme 2015-2018 be approved for publication on Chichester District Council’s web site, subject to the following changes:

Paragraph 4.1, final bullet: change date of The Loxwood Parish Neighbourhood Plan from 2014 to 2015.

Paragraph 7.11: add bullet “Implementation of the Council’s Business Continuity Plans”