Issue - meetings

Regeneration Strategy Delivery

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 246)

246 Regeneration and Growth Governance arrangements pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and its appendices (Appendix 2 to follow) and make the following resolutions:


1.    Cabinet approve the Regeneration and Growth Governance Structure as set out in Appendix One.

2.    Cabinet approve the terms of reference for the Regeneration and Growth Board and the Economic Task and Finish group as set out in Appendix Two. 

Additional documents:




1.    Cabinet approve the Regeneration and Growth Governance Structure as set out in Appendix One.

2.    Cabinet approve the terms of reference for the Regeneration and Growth Board as amended and the Economic Task and Finish group as set out in Appendix Two.

3.    Subject to the terms of reference for the Economic Task and finish group being approved in 2.2 that Cabinet appoint the current members of the Panel to the new Economic Development task and finish group as follows:


·       Cllr Harsha Desai – Chair

·       Cllr Joseph Brookes-Harmer

·       Cllr Brett Burkhart

·       Cllr Hannah Burton

·       Cllr Donna Johnson

·       Cllr Adrian Moss

·       Cllr Tim O’Kelly

·       Cllr Sarah Quail



Cllr Moss introduced the item. Mrs Hotchkiss was present.


Cllr Moss proposed an additional recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Desai:


Subject to the terms of reference for the Economic Task and finish group being approved in 2.2 that Cabinet appoint the current members of the Panel to the new Economic Development task and finish group as follows:


·       Cllr Harsha Desai – Chair

·       Cllr Joseph Brookes-Harmer

·       Cllr Brett Burkhart

·       Cllr Hannah Burton

·       Cllr Donna Johnson

·       Cllr Adrian Moss

·       Cllr Tim O’Kelly

·       Cllr Sarah Quail


Cllr Cross asked with regard to section 3.3 of the report if the Chair (the Leader of the Council) is absent from the meeting would it defer to the Deputy Leader automatically. He asked if the words ‘Deputy Leader’ could be added for clarification. Mrs Shepherd suggested that if members wished to add wording around a deputy Chair they could also consider adding ‘appointing a deputy in their absence’ to provide options for who could Chair in those circumstances.


Cllr Cross proposed an amendment to add the words ‘or Deputy Leader’. Cllr Brown suggested it would make sense for it to be someone else on the Group as he is not a member of the Group and asked it be left flexible.


Cllr Hickson suggested an amendment to add the words ‘and can be substituted by another Cabinet member’.


Cllr Moss outlined a proposal which was seconded by Cllr Cross.


‘In the Appendix 2 Terms of Reference under the membership the Regeneration and Growth Board will be chaired by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Lead for Regeneration and Property and his/her absence he/her will appoint a substitute member and will have the following members…’


Cllr Brown requested further clarification. Mrs Shepherd confirmed that the Leader in their absence would be asked to appoint a Chair from within the Growth Board Group.


With regard to section 9.1 of the report Cllr Bangert asked if the social benefits could be outlined. Cllr Moss explained that the aim of the Regeneration Strategy is to drive economic growth but also to encourage more people to live and work in the city. The Strategy will support opportunities to set up new facilities for the arts improving social cohesion of the city. Cllr Moss highlighted that there have been a number of new businesses opening up in South Street in Chichester. He explained that the work on the evening and night time economy had also helped.


Cllr Cross asked if 9.1 should have the word ‘cultural benefits’ added. Cllr Moss explained that under the Strategy there have already been a number of activities that focus on cultural activity. Mrs Hotchkiss then outlined the cultural inventions in the Strategy. Cllr Cross noted that the word culture is omitted. Cllr Moss explained that it is in the Strategy and in the work that is being done.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    Cabinet approve the Regeneration and Growth Governance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 246