Issue - meetings

Funding for Customer Services Review

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 250)

Funding for Customer Services Review

The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and make the resolution as set out under the recommendation section of the report.




That the Cabinet makes the resolution as set out under the recommendation section of the report.



Cllr Bangert introduced the item. Mrs Rudziak was present.


Cllr Cross asked about customer use of the website and visits to East Pallant House.


Cllr Cross requested clarification of the funding for the review.


Mrs Rudziak explained that the response to Cllr Cross’s questions will form part of the review and the funding was from some efficiency funding given to the Council by the Government.


Cllr Hickson asked for further information about feedback. Cllr Bangert responded. Mrs Rudziak outlined the information already available.


Cllr Desai commented on technology. Cllr Bangert responded.


Cllr Cross requested an outline of usage. Mrs Rudziak responded.


Cllr Chilton asked about the website. He also asked about the funding levels remaining. Mrs Rudziak responded and clarified what would be included in the review.


Cllr Brown requested clarification regarding efficiency plans. Mrs Shepherd explained that an additional grant had been provided as part of the 2024/25 financial settlement to pay for efficiency projects.


Cllr Brown asked for further information about website accessibility. Mrs Rudziak suggested capturing the questions in the survey that will be required. Mrs Shepherd confirmed that the website is an accessible framework and the statistics can be requested.


Cllr Cross noted the website timing out on planning applications. Mrs Shepherd explained that it may not be the website it could be the software that sits behind the website. She asked members to report problems of this nature so they can be investigated.


Cllr Bangert also noted difficulties in searching the website. 


Cllr Moss suggested that any concerns about the website should be addressed to the Cllr Desai as the Cabinet Member.


Cllr Hickson asked where the volume, types of query and transactional data is reported. Mrs Rudziak explained that the system has a reporting mechanism. Mrs Shepherd explained that the data goes through the Business Improvement Board which Cllr Chilton sits on. Mrs Shepherd explained that the data can be sent round to members at informal Cabinet.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the Cabinet makes the resolution as set out under the recommendation section of the report.