Decision details

Corporate Plan and Initial Project Proposals for 2025-2026

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision status: Noted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Annual refresh of the Council's Corporate Plan and consideration of the Initial Project Proposal Documents put forward for 2025-26.


That the Cabinet:


Note the Budget Review Group have confirmed their support for the procurement of an additional Green Waste Vehicle at a cost of £145,000 that was conditionally approved by Cabinet and Council in November 2024.


*That the Cabinet considers and recommends to Council:


a)    The refreshed Corporate Plan 2022-2025 as set out in appendix 1 and note its extension through to March 2026.

b)    The Initial Project Proposal Documents for 2025-2026, as set out in appendices 2 to 6.

c)    That subject to 2.2(b) £3,900,000 be set aside from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the large-scale projects identified in para 5.5, with release of funding being subject to future consideration by Full Council.

d)    To note the estimated further £285,000 of ongoing revenue costs for the proposed large-scale projects identified in para 5.5.

e)    That subject to para 2.2(b) £135,000 be approved from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the medium-scale projects identified in para 5.6.

f)     To note the estimated £58,600 reduction in ongoing revenue costs by year 5 for the proposed medium-scale projects identified in para 5.6.

g)    Set aside a total of £3,000,000 for potential projects arising from the Climate Change Action Plan, the Regeneration Strategy, and the Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, with release of funds subject to future consideration by Full Council.


Report author: Mr Andrew Buckley

Publication date: 09/01/2025

Date of decision: 07/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 07/01/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: