Agenda item

Initial Project Proposals 2017-2018 and Corporate Plan

The Cabinet is requested to consider the agenda report and its six appendices (the last of which is a Part II exempt document*) and to make the following two resolutions and the recommendation to the Council:


That the Cabinet approves:

(1)  The Initial Project Proposals for 2017-2018 attached in the appendices and


(2)  £50,000 funding from Council reserves to undertake appraisals/feasibility work as indicated in para 5.2 of the agenda report.


That the Council agrees that the Corporate Plan approved in December 2015 remains unchanged for the year 2017-2018.

[*Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.]




(1)  That the Initial Projects Proposals for 2017-2018 in the appendices to the agenda report be approved.


(2)  That £50,000 funding from Council reserves to undertake appraisals/feasibility work as indicated in para 5.2 of the agenda report be approved.




That it be agreed that the Corporate Plan which was approved in December 2015 shall remain unchanged for the year 2017-2018.


The Cabinet received and considered the agenda report and its six appendices in the main agenda supplement, the last of which was a Part II exempt item and which was considered after agenda item 19 (see minute 336 below) (copies of the report and appendices 1 to 5 only attached to the official minutes).


Mr Dignum began by emphasising the initial nature of these project proposals. He pointed out that the cost of each proposal had been included within the budget spending plans (agenda item 5) but that this was subject to the recommendations made by the Cabinet at the end of this item and the decision to be made subsequently by the Council meeting.


Mr Mildred, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Dodsworth, Mrs Rudziak and Mr Kenny were in attendance for the Part I aspects of this item.  


The Cabinet considered each of the initial project proposals (IPP) in turn. There was a brief officer summary and members’ questions on points of detail were answered by the aforesaid officers.


The main points to arise were as follows:


Priory Park – Phase One Option Appraisal


There was a clear consensus that Priory Park was a very valuable asset and that the best possible use should be made of it without, however, permitting any fundamental change to its character.


The Cabinet agreed with Mr Dignum’s proposal that the following text should be added to this IPP document (pages 81 to 82 of the main agenda supplement): ‘The study should not affect the essential character of the park which is largely laid to grass and enclosed with the gates locked after dark (except when, as in the past, there is an approved evening use).’


Mr R E Plowman, the chairman of the Friends of Priory Park (FPP), addressed the Cabinet at the invitation of Mr Dignum.  He said that there had been a very useful meeting between the FPP and two CDC officers: Mr A Howard (Green Spaces and Street Scene Manager) and Mr D Hyland (Communities and Partnerships Manager).  The FPP were supportive of the need to upgrade Priory Park and the recent/prospective archaeological work. There was concern about the IPP being expressed in very broad terms including timescales and who would be consulted. The FPP were reassured by the clarification provided by the aforesaid extra text as to ensuring that the fundamental character of Priory Park should be preserved. There was a perceived loss of trust in the consultation process. He asked questions about the first and third bullet points in section 4 (page 82): the feasibility of deriving significant income from the wedding venue market and how to measure improved satisfaction from Priory Park users. With reference to section 8 (identify risks) he queried the prudence of spending up to £30,000 on engaging a consultant to undertake an options appraisal/design work.


Mrs Taylor asked about the project’s timescale.


Mr Dignum and Mrs Hotchkiss each said that there would be appropriate consultation including with the FPP. As to the level of detail in the IPP, they both emphasised that the IPP was only an initial preliminary document. Mrs Hotchkiss explained the need to investigate carefully via a feasibility study the state of each of the buildings in Priory Park. She said that the first bullet point in section 4 related to all the clubs and activities in Priory Park; it did not have in view solely weddings in the Guildhall (which was used for functions and events other than weddings) but certainly that aspect had been and would be carefully considered. The centenary of Priory Park was in 2018 and CDC would work with the FPP on how to mark that important anniversary. The timescale would be identified in due course. The consultation would be held later in 2017 after initial work in summer 2017.


Mr Barrow said that it was important for the consultant to be given a wide brief and for wider users of Priory Park as well as, of course, the FPP to be consulted.


East Pallant House – Phase One Option Appraisal


No specific points arose.


Implementing Chichester Vision


No specific points arose.


Freeland Close


Mr Dignum emphasised the imperative of addressing the homelessness issue and hence this was precisely why a project such as this was important.


Investigation of Roman Buildings in Priory Park


This was a very exciting project in its own right and had the potential to attract many visitors; it was to be commended.


Review of the Careline Service 2017-2018


The IPP document (appendix 6 to the report) was a Part II exempt item and (as stated in minute 335 below) was considered by the Cabinet at the end of agenda item 19 (The Novium Museum Options Appraisal) (see minute 236 below).



At the end of the discussion members voted unanimously on a show of hands in favour of making the resolutions as set out below with regard to the IPPs in appendices 1 to 5 inclusive and also the recommendation to the Council as set out below.





(1)  That the Initial Projects Proposals for 2017-2018 in appendices 1 to 5 inclusive to the agenda report be approved.


(2)  That £50,000 funding from Council reserves to undertake appraisals/feasibility work as indicated in para 5.2 of the agenda report be approved.




That it be agreed that the Corporate Plan which was approved in December 2015 shall remain unchanged for the year 2017-2018.


Supporting documents: